I've just noticed (after some hours of testing) how to fix some of the profiles that were shown to fail in all versions since tiki18, according to the Tiki Profiles Tester. https://tikiwiki-ci.gitlab.io/tiki-profiles-tester/ (last run on 22-09-2021 23:55:25)
It seems that yaml validation changed since tiki16 or 17 probably, because all profiles worked in Tiki16 (I tested them all many times) but some of them seem to fail badly in all versions since then. At least:
Current validation system (the same since Tiki18 maybe?) seems to conflict with tracker item values (defined in yaml code) with empty values, whereas they validate if they are defined as two consecutive single quotes ( ''
This is relatively easy to avoid replacing these cases in the conflicting profiles.
There seems to be some other issue, which is the definition of tracker permanent names based on this type of syntax $f_1
, used in wiki page templates, as used in profile Barter_Market. E.g.
This syntax used to be parsed properly at profile application, but it currently doesn't, as far as I've seen in recent tikis.