
Roundtable Meeting 2024 01

Table of contents

Volunteering Facilitator: Marc Laporte


Watch/listen to the recording of the meeting here.


Our monthly meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 14h UTC, so this one is Thursday, January 18th, 2023. 14h UTC (click to check time zone in your location)



See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.


First hour, quick news

  1. Smarty 5 in Tiki and https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests?scope=all&state=opened&target_branch=tiki-smarty-5 (Rodriguez)
  2. Cypht and Bootstrap 5 (Alvin)
  3. Updates of calendar revamp in Tiki26x (John)
  4. Plans for FOSDEM 2024 and associated TikiFest (Jean-Marc)
  5. Drag and drop library selection for Cypht and Tiki (Merci Jacob): Decision Analysis for Drag and Drop Library for usage in Tiki and Cypht
  6. Build system (Benoit)
  7. WYSIWYG and Markdown (boss.ibrahim, emmanuel.masikilizano and josaphat.imani)
  8. Tiki IoT (Bruno or Geoff): https://iot.dev4.evoludata.com/
  9. ...

put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above

Second hour, longer topics

  1. Tiki27 release schedule and process (Roberto and Rodriguez)
  2. We also discussed upcoming plans for Snapshots from trunk
  3. Performance scores (unused JavaScript)

put your topic (max. 15 minutes) into the list above


  • ...

put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above

Chat log

ibrahim mussa (ibmussa) 00:00:11

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:01:25
@rodriguez: Smarty 5 update please

Guest: Bienvenu Moringa 00:01:33

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:03:27

Guest: Rodriguez Nyiringabo 00:04:00
Sorry,, I lost internet connection again.

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:04:03

Guest: Benoit Grégoire 00:04:17

Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 00:06:35
Thanks Benoit

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:08:23
https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/3529 modifies 584 files

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:14:31

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:15:14
56 files changed!

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 00:19:35
Good job Alvin!!!👌

Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) 00:20:28
Can you sahre the link?

Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) 00:21:09

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 00:21:09
@Benoit looks tired th

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:22:58

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 00:25:04
The calendar year view is broken in master (has been for a while). Something to check in the revamp, I imagine.

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:26:02

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:29:56

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:33:36

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:34:25
Conclusion: 1) Interact.js: and 2) Sortable.js:

Guest: Benoit Grégoire 00:36:05
@gary: Humm, it was working when i ported to fullcalendar 6 and the new build system. It's indeed broken now.

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:37:46

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 00:39:37

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 00:39:44
I noticed it broken several months ago also (displayed in one horizontal row).

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 00:44:23
Bug report (broken calendar year view - Aug. 1, 2022): https://dev.tiki.org/item8163-Year-view-in-calendar-displays-in-one-condensed-row

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 00:47:31
Internal task: https://avan.tech/item98556-Tiki-Review-UX-of-text-editor-when-in-Markdown-mode-TOAST-UI-editor-All-modes

Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 00:52:00

Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir) 00:56:40

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 01:00:50
Looking forward to snapshots 😄.

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 01:04:33

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 01:06:52
I was thinking maybe snapshots would also be useful for people who can't run npm on shared hosting accounts — they could stay more current with code and not have to wait for version releases.

Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 01:28:16

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima )01:29:21
OMG, 2 for performance.... 😒

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 01:33:16
Performance is 26 on tiki.org/Community (https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-tiki-org-Community/slo4sweisl?form_factor=mobile), which is quite a bit better.

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 01:33:42
Also long unused scripts

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 01:33:42
Maybe I should replace the animation on the HomePage with a plain image.

Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 01:35:18
Suggestions are welcome 😉.

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 01:36:00
How about minimizing all css and js that we send to the browser?

Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 01:36:20

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 01:38:50
Most of times, the mobile score is lower, for tiki.org/Community the desktop is around 43 https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-tiki-org-Community/slo4sweisl?form_factor=desktop

Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 01:41:07
At least when minimized we can save the size of bundle we send to the user, which i think can reduce TTFB

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 01:41:38

Guest: Benoit Grégoire 01:52:03

Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 02:01:29
We have 40 backports planned (33 to 26.x, 7, to 26.x and 24.x):

Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 02:10:13
Bye bye!

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 19 January 2024 12:11:19 GMT-0000 by Gary Cunningham-Lee
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