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TikiFest Madrid banner/logo in high resolution (EPS)




Live Participation

You can participate virtually via http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tikifests .

Make Your Choice

Tip: click [+] to expand hidden stuff


Live Video & Audio via Ustream.tv


TikiFest Ustream.tv Chat Channel


IRC Chat via Mibbit


IRC Chat Log


IRC log


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Some Pictures from the TikiFest

Better late than never?
A few more low quality photos from Jonny's phone can be found here

Whiteboard - Feb 16th, morning - CLICK TO SEE IT FULL SIZE

Group Mail
Group Mail


Discovery of the day


amette : "ROFL - I remember wanting to choose some variable name, that most possibly will never collide with anything else. Well, apparantly I chose wisely: Google for myFooVarForIncludeFiles"

Offline Videos

Several moments from the first two days were recorded by Xavi in a video camcorder. The most meaningful parts will be uploaded probably to vimeo.com in the following days, before the next TikiFestMontreal.

List of video files in process of edition (directly included from TikiFestMadrid_videos):
This page is for coordination between Matthew and Xavi, both of which have a copy of the video files from TikiFestMadrid.

Video files with maybe useful information to be extracted and uploaded to video websites like vimeo

File name
From min.
to min.
Where to place that video
m2v00106.mpg First discussion about Workspaces with original developer jreyes 00:00' 00:59' TikiFestMadrid Done Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1804144/
m2v00107.mpg Profiles 0' 10:50' TikiFestMadrid Done. See below or at http://www.vimeo.com/3319966

Tiki 3.0 - Profiles from Xavi on Vimeo.

m2v00107.mpg New Helper 10:50' 11:44' doc:TikiWiki 3 Done Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1804184/
m2v00107.mpg Plugin Aliases 13:18' 16:24' doc:TikiWiki 3 & doc:Plugin Aliases Done Xavi
m2v00108.mpg Plugin Alias Example: Plugin Schedule 0:06' 2:50' doc:Plugin Aliases Done Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1804174/
m2v00108.mpg New Helper 3:10' 4:00' doc:TikiWiki 3 ? Done Xavi
m2v00112.mpg Naughty Smiley Interferences at the Streaming Channel 😯 1:50' 2:37' TikiTV
m2v00115.mpg Workspaces, Roles, Perspectives 17:12' 50:00' (end) dev:Workspaces Done Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1819282 . Joined with the next bit below
m2v00116.mpg Workspaces, Roles, Perspectives 0:00' 5:22' dev:Workspaces Done Xavi. Joined with the previous file above.
m2v00125.mpg GroupMail 0:00' 50:00' dev:GroupMail Done, Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1820613/ (Joined with the next bit below)
m2v00126.mpg GroupMail 0:00' 04:56' dev:GroupMail Done, Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1820613/ (joined with the previous file above)
m2v00133.mpg JQuery 0:00' 33:59' dev:JQuery ? Done Xavi. http://blip.tv/file/1804195/


This event is preceded by TikiFest2009-Brussels-FOSDEM

Dates are official: February 15-16-17

This event is followed by RecentChangesCamp 2009 (RCC) Feb 20-21 in Portland, USA


Location: Acalá de Henares (Spain) - Google Maps

How to get:

  • By air: Airport Web Page.Take the underground to Nuevos Ministerios. Take a train from there direct to Alcalá de Henares.
  • By train: Direct trains from Atocha and Nuevos Ministerios.


  • Sunday (15th) : we can meet at Hostal Bari and work/have fun there. Right?.
  • For the 16th and 17th : we meet at the Polytechnic School of the University of Alcalá (better rooms, better internet connection, coffee machines, university atmosphere).We will explain you how to get there from the hostel (30 minutes). Instructions for those who (maybe) will wake up later are in the following map.


In Alcalá de Henares

Hotel Ciudad de Alcalá

It's very near train station (5 minutes), and near the historic centre as well. It's just in front of the bus stop you need to take to come to he Polytechnic School.
Cánovas del Castillo, 28807 Alcala de Henares, Madrid (Google map)

  • 49 € per night on double room.
  • They have available rooms for the nights of 15th, 16th and 17th of February.
  • Free Wifi in rooms and in common areas.
  • You can book online here.

Hostal Bari

Vía Complutense, 112. 28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. Phone: +34 91 888 14 50. (Google map)
44 min far from polythecninc school on foot; 8 min. drive, according to google maps.

  • Web page
  • less than 30 euro/per night on double or triple rooms (same price if full with 2 or 3 people, respectively).
    • Single room: 41€ +VAT
    • Double room: 50€ +VAT
    • Triple room: 75€ +VAT
  • They have available rooms for the nights of 15h, 16h of February.
  • Free Wifi connection in rooms, and also in common coffee room (big enough, for 30 people).
  • Free parquing included for clients
  • Food: menu 12.90 euro (mid day or night)





Name From Note
Louis-Philippe Canada Arriving the 13th, leaving the 19th, staying in Alcalá de Henares at Hostal Bari (confirmed)
Matthew Bickerton (MatWho) London Arriving afternoon on the 14th, leaving on 18th, staying in Alcalá de Henares at Hostal Bari (confirmed)
jonny BLondon Arriving afternoon on the 14th, leaving on 18th, staying in Alcalá de Henares at Hostal Bari (tiki willing) (confirmed)
Marc Canada Arriving the 14th at 16h10 at Madrid's airport - Terminal 2, leaving on 18th. Staying at Hostal Bari. (confirmed)
Axold Madrid Attending from Saturday afternoon (14th). We can (Ben and I) act as guide in Alcalá de Henares for those who come the saturday (like Marc, Jonny B, Matthew or Louis-Philippe).
Ben Madrid Attending from Saturday afternoon (14th)
rlopez Madrid Attending from Sunday morning (15th)
Xavi Barcelona 15th & 16th (I'll depart 17th early morning). Arriving Madrid (Atocha) train station Sunday 15th at 9:57h, and around 11h to Alcala de Henares. Booked at Hostal Bari. Confirmed. I don't mind sharing on double or triple room.
Youcef France Arriving on Saturday 14th in the afternoon (9:00 pm at the Hostal Bari). Attending Tikifest from 15th to 17th. Participation on "Workspaces" and translations issues.
Javier Reyes Madrid


Name From Note
luci Czech Rep.

Distant Participation

Anybody willing to help from far away, write your name here...

If anybody wants to follow what is going on in the meeting I suggest to use Twitter. I create an account named tikimad


  1. The main issue will go to work with the Tiki Spain team on Workspaces
  2. Review the last release of AulaWiki for the Tiki 1.10, because it suffers from performance issues (already patched by Aldo, we guess).
  3. Fixing AulaWiki mod to work on Tiki 2.x and 3.x as a starting point. Mmod version 1.6.2 is working. See ToDo.
  4. Produce a simple video tutorial to show how to work with workspaces on Tiki
  5. Discuss/initiate a European User Group
  6. Matthew and Jonny want to tell everyone about their ideas for GroupMail and looking forward to input from everyone else!
  7. Further improvements for translators to prioritize the work. A sort of Dashboard with the most important pages (visits, editorial choices, etc) and a visual representation of up-to-date-ness.
  8. Youcef will present the main idea of transforming TikiWiki into usefull translation environment. Based on his experience in this field, he will introduce to us the recent progress of the Wiki-based and crowdsourcing translation.


Group ALMA - University of Alcalá

Sunday Night Tapas&Beer Tour

It doesn't need any explanation. Sunday 15th from 8PM.

Related links

Created by: Last Modification: Monday 20 November 2023 16:43:09 GMT-0000 by admin
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