Welcome to TikiTV
Here you will find short movies made by the Tiki community. They are quick and raw, so don't expect too much editing and computer generated graphics! However, you get to see some of the people in the community talking about their work directly.
Lots of incredible people have contributed to Tiki - they are the power house that makes it so useful for so many. We hope TikiTV will provide an opportunity for those who build and those who use Tiki, to share there interests, issues and achievements.
Please, it is the Tiki way, TikiTV invites you to add your own videos. Just click the edit icon and add a link to the list!
We have 4 channels, you are welcome to contribute to any of them. Please feel free to edit this page!
Channel 1 - The news channel
Fred Dixon and Marc Laporte about BigBlueButton
Meet Fred Dixon from Blind Side Networks, a company dedicated to helping universities, colleges and commercial companies deliver a high quality learning experience to remote students and Marc Laporte of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. Together, they talk about why the two fit together well
About Blindside Networks
Blindside Networks is a company dedicated to helping universities, colleges, and commercial companies deliver a high-quality learning experience to remote students.
They do this by providing commercial support for BigBlueButton, an open source web conferencing system for distance education.
Watch Tiki's Marc Laporte on FLOSS Weekly
- How to collaborate/communicate with the Tiki community, amette shows you the websites, forums and chat rooms.
- A 35' overview of version 3.0 through and upgrade from 2.0, plus some features begin set up.
- A quick introduction to version 2.0
Channel 2 - The cooking channel
- lp talks about a new plugin called Webservices
- marc talking about Profiles
Channel 3 - School Tv
Overview of Tiki 3: Installation and applying several profiles
- Xavi shows you how to use structures and also how to take multiple wiki pages into a word processor
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
Channel 4 - Tiki World
"Please show us how you are using Tiki, add some links here!"
What about translating and subtitling these videos using http://dotsub.com ? — luci
Good example: The Future of Blender
Here's another YouTube channel: