
Webinar 2014 03

Volunteering Facilitator:

right now Nelson but if anyone else Torsten, Frank, Bernard? wants to help it is more than welcome!



Thursday, March 20, 2014 at 19:00:00 UTC time (click for time zone in your city)


See Webinars for a detailed description.




  1. One of the important topics of this March Webinar is the TikiFest Sysadmin 2014 in Germany.
    Please see also: TikiFestSysAdmin-2014
    • Including a general 'detug' (German Language Tiki User Group) TikiFest to TikiFestSysadmin2014 or not?
  2. Default Settings of Tiki
  3. Wizards - Profiles Wizard & User Wizard "User Details" screen
  4. Future of http://mother.tiki.org
  5. Demo of new Notifications and Goals feature in Tiki 13.

First hour quick news

  1. Status of TikiFestSysAdmin-2014 preparations
  2. Status of Tiki12

Second hour, longer topics

  1. Ongoing proposal to change some default settings:
  2. Profiles Wizard: Next steps and plan to backport improvements to 12.x after 12.1 is released
  3. User Wizard (in combination of profile User_Trackers): plan to backport improvements to 12.x after 12.1 is released
  4. Optional: TikiFestSysAdmin-2014, if necessary -> might to be discussed in event-specific webinar and mailing list
  5. Future of http://mother.tiki.org
    1. Stay on Tiki13 & Upgrade to PHP 5.5
    2. Manually Downgrade db to Tiki12 (no need to change php version) and stay LTS
  6. Demo of new Notifications and Goals feature in Tiki 13.

Chat log

BBB Chat log
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Nelson (koth): Hi luci luciash d' being (luci): hi Nelson ! Xavi (xavi): polom luciash d' being (luci): hola Nelson (koth): Hello luciash d' being (luci): heard your deep breath ;-) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): hi all Nelson (koth): ok, are we good to start? Marc Laporte (marclaporte): polom Marc Laporte (marclaporte): issue with my audio, will be back Arild Berg (arild): hi Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): hi Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Hi Nelson (koth): http://tiki.org/TikiFestDevOps Nelson (koth): This will be in August Xavi (xavi): ok Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): August 2014, St. Augustin / Bonn, GermanyOpenSym 2014 27th to 29th August 2014, Berlin, Germany http://www.opensym.org (external link) http://www.openrheinruhr.de/ (external link) OpenRheinRuhr 2014 November 2013, Oberhausen (Rhineland), Germany luciash d' being (luci): where ? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): about who Nelson is talking ? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): (sorry sound not great) Nelson (koth): In April, there will be a Tiki 13 tikifest Nelson (koth): this will be in Toronto Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Oh great ! luciash d' being (luci): about a TikiFest in Toronto Nelson (koth): In August, there will be a TikifestSysAdmins in Germany just before FROSCON Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Nelson we type you keep talking :D Xavi (xavi): +1 :-) Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): +1 :) luciash d' being (luci): I will probably not be able to attend as I am planning one myself in Czech Republic for beggining of July Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): :) Xavi (xavi): ok, thks for the info luciash d' being (luci): haven’t seen any wiki page about it yet Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I will be at Jiamcatt which happens in Strasbourg from april 24- luciash d' being (luci): ok Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): will need to check patrick.proulx: Works for me Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): 20th april? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): so will Olaf-Michael Nelson (koth): yes JOnny 20 April approx Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): :) Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): :0 Xavi (xavi): yep, me too Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): which is the number of the last released tiki12 ? Xavi (xavi): +1 Bernard Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): 12.0 is current luciash d' being (luci): /me confused: are we talking about TikiFests still or release 12.1 ? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): ok Nelson (koth): release 12.1 now Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): we need to warn that there are still editor blockers Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): (beta?) Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I meant mention them on the release notes Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): you can even practice first with 11.x Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): can we decide on a date ? Xavi (xavi): I can't on Tuesday. Only Monday Xavi (xavi): Or wednesday, thursday, etc Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): i can in both Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I got the feeling that xavi would not be available on any afternoon luciash d' being (luci): +1 for monday luciash d' being (luci): sorry Marc ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): can't understand audio Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): it's a single svn admin command luciash d' being (luci): jean marc too low audio luciash d' being (luci): admin access ? Nelson (koth): Can we start at 0900 UTC? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): which server? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): community server Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 to have several person that have the knowledge Nelson (koth): I think the changelog will not be too long for a 12.1 becasue it's generated from the 12.x branch Nelson (koth): as for the copyright Nelson (koth): let's just do it Monday morning ok? luciash d' being (luci): ok Marc Laporte (marclaporte): Sorry, I had audio problem. Is there a plan to finish the things from https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki12 ? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): when is that ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): really? Nelson (koth): 0900 UTC Monday Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): early monday morning's not my favourite volunteering time ;) Nelson (koth): wht time is possible earliest monday? luciash d' being (luci): Marc: seems too many, i do not think so Xavi (xavi): any luciash d' being (luci): I wake up 8:00 UTC :) Nelson (koth): 1100 UTC? Nelson (koth): ok 1100 UTC luciash d' being (luci): When is the 10 o clock meeting ? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): :D Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): 11utc is what? 13 london time? Marc Laporte (marclaporte): luci: That list has been there for months, so it should not be a surprise Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): monday 24 march 11utc is that correct ? (poor audio today) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): :D Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): London === UTC Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): brb Xavi (xavi): yes, we can Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): yes Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): discuss what ? Xavi (xavi): http://dev.tiki.org/New+Defaults Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Marc you mean : https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki12#Checklist ? Marc Laporte (marclaporte): Yes, Bernard Marc Laporte (marclaporte): Nelson & Olaf have stuff to do Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): let wait after Xavi explanation and try to see how we can progress on that. Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): let's Marc Laporte (marclaporte): Because those are things we said we can live without for 12.0, but that were supposed to be done for 12.1 luciash d' being (luci): my votes are there ;-) Xavi (xavi): :-) Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Plugins convene, wysiwyg, tracker calendar Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): may be you should separate luciash d' being (luci): yay! https links work now in BBB! :) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): voted Marc Laporte (marclaporte): Related page: http://dev.tiki.org/Simpler+config+on+Fresh+install Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 Xavi :) luciash d' being (luci): just for u luciash d' being (luci): u must lock luciash d' being (luci): yes, it worked Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): woo luciash d' being (luci): defaults for 12 or 13 ? luciash d' being (luci): ah 13 Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Hello Torsten here ... I am back from hospital since a few hours and back from the doctor since a few minutes ... I restart my computer, connecting headset and come back here .. brb Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Hey Torsten hope you fell better ! luciash d' being (luci): Q: should we switch in defaults from jQuery-UI flick theme to "None" since I added the matching jQuery-UI styles to Fivealive in 12 ? luciash d' being (luci): wb Torsten ! great ! Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): soon, Xavi, soon ! :) luciash d' being (luci): great job, xavi ! only thing i don’t like is the mixup of the icons ;-) luciash d' being (luci): :D Nelson (koth): I really like all this too, the only suggestion I have is to instead of having "useful profiles 1-2-3" "demo profile 1-2-3" to have the different pages to have more descriptive names, like, menu enhancements, or feature prototypes luciash d' being (luci): +1 Nelson Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): yes let's wait for Xavi to finish then lets talk :D Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): :) luciash d' being (luci): /me shuts up and forgets everything he wanted to point out or ask :) Marc Laporte (marclaporte): I will be back on the phone Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): K Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): /me applauds Xavi (xavi): thks Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Great work \o/ Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): GREAT WORK Xavi (xavi): re: http://dev.tiki.org/Profiles+Wizard Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): hello everybody luciash d' being (luci): i think it would help a lot if there were screenshots before applying the profile luciash d' being (luci): to get an idea what the user gets by applying the profile Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): +1 for screenies Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): +1 Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): i like the layout - few per page, makes it look like a brochure Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): would be better with more pictures Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): you are too loud... Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): :0 Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): Xavi you are too close to your Mic luciash d' being (luci): isnßt the Server Fitness too late when Tiki already installed ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): /me thinks Xavi is excited about profiles Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): thanks Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): :) luciash d' being (luci): /me is excited too :) Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 better Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): totally agree great work... Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): the idea to have better name is to have less explanation about what it does Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): I'll be glad to help ! (i have very good hebrew name) Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Please post this page's url Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): http://demo.tiki.org/showcases_and_experiments/wysiwyg-wiki-trunk/tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=3&url=tiki-admin.php&use-default-prefs=1 Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): Shopping Cart was called TikiKart for several years - kept everyone away! (except Arild and Xavi eventually ;) luciash d' being (luci): what, u have not tried the TikiKart racing yet ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): :) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): i always tell my users thay are "macros" luciash d' being (luci): I did not read that yet, tru luciash d' being (luci): too long :) Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): +1 Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): maybe we need a new video? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): macros is very much what they do Nelson (koth): I think going forward, maybe Tiki 14, we might want to discuss calling profiles "configuration templates" or something.... Might be worth the effort Xavi (xavi): I agree Nelson Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): after 12.1 right? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): again clap clap clap ! luciash d' being (luci): i tell them "preconfigurations" Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): We should simply check how "the others" name it and improve :) Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): those screen are KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) I like it :) luciash d' being (luci): i fear the others call them everything but not the same every time Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): for sure ! That's why i say "we improve" not copy Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Some call them themes :) but it's not the same Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): no no :) luciash d' being (luci): who decides what extra fields should be there by default ? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): ? Xavi this is not for users right ? (user wizard ?) luciash d' being (luci): yes, user wizard is for users Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): what we see is for sers ? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): group setting ? Nelson (koth): Bernard, the user wizard is for users to fill in info abt themselves. As shown now, what fields are shown fromthe user tracker is defined in the admin...groups page luciash d' being (luci): only the first screen Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): ah ! :D luciash d' being (luci): these are for admins how to set it up i think Nelson (koth): yes, xavi is showing the admin setup steps luciash d' being (luci): by default you see the same without the extra fields ? (SkypeID, etc.) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): any new tiki admin should watch this recording, well done & thanks again Xavi! :) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): one thought - does the "User Details" step take it's name from the tracker? (would be possible ;) luciash d' being (luci): it is by default showing for first login, right ? Arild Berg (arild): thanks Xavi :-) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): +1, yay for Arild! Arild Berg (arild): The updates look great! Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): really gret improvement tks you both Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): thx!! Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): just to say: I have news for the TikiFestDevOps / TikiFestGermany2014 Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I like it also Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): when this fits to the schedule, just say Xavi (xavi): jonnyb: not right now, but please feel free to improve that way to create the "User Details" Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): will do (when next in trunk) Xavi (xavi): http://mother.tiki.org Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): who is 5148300000 ? Marc ? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): xavi: PHP 5.5 is required luciash d' being (luci): PHP 5.5 is required luciash d' being (luci): yep Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): I have 5.5, same Leu has Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): what is mother for? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): +1 upgrade Xavi (xavi): Torsten: mother: http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki+Connect?structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): thx xavi Xavi (xavi): np Xavi (xavi): & http://doc.tiki.org/Connect+Settings Xavi (xavi): and more things to be documented Xavi (xavi): :-D Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): data should be separate enough, but still should stay on trunk imho Xavi (xavi): ok, I'm fine with trunk for mother.tiki.org Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): by the way, i called it "mother" becasue Big Mother is watching;) Xavi (xavi): thks Marc! Xavi (xavi): Big Watcher! :-) Xavi (xavi): ok, thanks Nelson for a demo on those new features luciash d' being (luci): Jonny: lol Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): I see it luciash d' being (luci): no, we still see the previous layout Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): nope, i still see Xavi's Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): it's a Mac Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): :-D Xavi (xavi): :-) luciash d' being (luci): no Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): no show patrick.proulx: nope Xavi (xavi): no Tom Jarvis (TomJarvis): no Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I see xavi's still luciash d' being (luci): Torsten, can u change to the layout you have ? luciash d' being (luci): lock the icon again Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Nelson, are you on bbb or what you show? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): closed screensharing now? Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): what ? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): /me wonders when we do a community testing of jitsi Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): localhost/trunk/tiki-index_raw.php Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): turn it off, turn it on again? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): must be Nelsons screen Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Nelson: a what? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): lYESSS Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): I do not know luciash d' being (luci): lol Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): you share and it pops up in my bbb Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): no IN BBB Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): yes! Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): /me sees nothing luciash d' being (luci): not here... no pop-ups here Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): Torsten - you don't see "User Wizard Completed!"? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): brb patrick.proulx: Do you guys still see User Wizard Completed? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I have an old kubuntu and i see nothing :( Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): I see Nelson playing around Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): screen sharing gone Xavi (xavi): Me: New Xubuntu and see nothing patrick.proulx: I logged out and logged in and was able to see Nelson's screen patrick.proulx: (but he stopped sharing) Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): no :( Xavi (xavi): nope yet Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): I see user wizard complete or a grey screen patrick.proulx: i see it Bernard Sfez (Bsfez): in and out Xavi (xavi): I'l try loging out and in again Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Bernard: close your presentation window patrick.proulx: try logging in/out - worked for me Xavi (xavi): yep, there it is Xavi (xavi): in & out worked for me luciash d' being (luci): now i see it too luciash d' being (luci): what is it about ? luciash d' being (luci): new notification system ? patrick.proulx: ya, notifications Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): ok, I see it Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): nelson: are that global or user notifications? luciash d' being (luci): i suggest u do not talk while moving the screen (while the sccreen updates) luciash d' being (luci): i cannot hear what u say luciash d' being (luci): it looks great though ! anonymous: in & out worked for me too anonymous: What ??? I'm anonymous now (Bernard) luciash d' being (luci): Bernard joined Anonymous Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): bernard .. logged out in Tiki when logged back in? anonymous: yes anonymous: not important... Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): so out, tiki in and rejoin Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): if you want anonymous: being anonymous is respectable :) anonymous: ha ha ha Luciash !!! Sound like an horror movie Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): it's your data Bernard .. you have the right to be anobymous luciash d' being (luci): :D Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): /s/b/n luciash d' being (luci): Bernard: not a gremlin ? better then ;-) luciash d' being (luci): I have no idea what is Nelson doing anonymous: I was a long time a Gremlin chief ! (white hair line only in the middle of my head !) all natural :D luciash d' being (luci): ah luciash d' being (luci): why is it called Query and not Save Search ? :D Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): :) luciash d' being (luci): very neat anyway Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): brilliant! (but might not "urgent" be better than critical?) Xavi (xavi): yep luciash d' being (luci): would it be possible to "save my search query" to list later what i searched for ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): which features are covered so far? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Watches are tuned to each feature Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Not to mention group watches and such Xavi (xavi): Re: http://doc.tiki.org/Watch#Types_of_watches Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): really good though, definite good reason to go for tiki 13 Xavi (xavi): yep, congrats Nelson (and LPH :-) Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): yes, really something I'd want to use Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): we would need kind of a list of tiki events Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): like a tiki event glossary Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): Like a tab in the help pop-up ? Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): and autocomplete :) Xavi (xavi): Congratulations also Nelson (& LP) for this other feature Xavi (xavi): Are the credits linked to the Tiki User Credit Feature? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): A bit like the plugins selection maybe Xavi (xavi): ok anonymous: sry i had other task to complete in the middle but that look great ! Xavi (xavi): yep, great work, Nelson Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): awesome Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Nelson: image for a badge? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): like a grafical medal? anonymous: VIP status luciash d' being (luci): Theme: Fivealive does not look like Fivealive anymore ;-) anonymous: a crown :D luciash d' being (luci): great feature ! luciash d' being (luci): thx Nelson and LPH luciash d' being (luci): == achievements luciash d' being (luci): should be option luciash d' being (luci): to let other people know luciash d' being (luci): as usual Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): /me aplauds again (good webinar Nelson, thanks :) Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): needs to appear on user info popup, no? Xavi (xavi): ok, thanks guys. I must leave now. See you Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): very cool luciash d' being (luci): bye Xavi Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): bye xavi anonymous: :) anonymous: bye Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): Nelson: when TikiFestDevOps? Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): yes, I have some info Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): sorry what? luciash d' being (luci): tell us ! Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): sound Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): tell us! Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): jut tell us now :) luciash d' being (luci): tell us until everybody leaves ! :D Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): OMG :( luciash d' being (luci): u need security setup in java first Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): I see nothing and I wonder about your definition of «easier» Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): http://alienus.de/basecamp1/en/room/night-sleeper-outdoor-hostel/ Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): \o/ (been there already) Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): http://www.basecamp-bonn.com/ luciash d' being (luci): look kewl! :) luciash d' being (luci): s/look/looks/ Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): http://photos.jmlibs.name/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=99 Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): http://netzladen.org/ Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=BaseCamp+Hostel+Bonn,+In+der+Raste+1,+53129,+Bonn,+Deutschland&daddr=Breite+Stra%C3%9Fe+74,+53111,+Bonn,+Deutschland+to:Hochschule+Bonn-Rhein-Sieg,+Grantham-Allee+20,+53757,+Sankt+Augustin,+Deutschland&hl=de&ie=UTF8&ll=50.737107,7.234497&spn=0.122112,0.242386&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.642161,62.050781&geocode=FX-8BQMdTLNsACFLTeYQF1V1qCnzaBHQ4OO-RzFLTeYQF1V1qA%3BFbw5BgMd1khsACkdNqIOpOG-RzHOpxXIQYmiGQ%3BFRvWBgMdNJltACF1DBIsZMTEzSmL8QY5Ree-RzF1DBIsZMTEzQ&oq=Hochschule+Bonn-Rhein-Sieg+Grantham-Allee+20+53757+Sankt+Augustin&mra=ls&t=m&z=12 Nelson (koth): is this place close enough ot the basecamp? Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): not really Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): It was fast as we were discussing Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): http://www.froscon.de/en/home/ Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley): sorry, i have to go - glad to hear you Torsten (out and about), catch up soon! :) Nelson (koth): sounds good Nelson (koth): alrighty jonny luciash d' being (luci): c u jonny Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): bye jonny anonymous: nice Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): sounds fine patrick.proulx: thanks a lot guys :) Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): bye everybody anonymous: bye bye ! luciash d' being (luci): bye ! Tom Jarvis (TomJarvis): Bye Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): 23rd Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): strasbourg Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): france Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): ex-germany Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): :-P Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): just kidding Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem): bye all Torsten Fabricius (Torsten): bye

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