Tikifest Montreal 2013 Tikifest Ottawa 2013


A tradition in the Tiki community, a TikiFest is when there is a meeting between at least two Tiki contributors that don't usually meet. This is an opportunity, usually, to drink adult beverages, get some laptops out and code wildly in group sessions and/or discuss about wiki technology and culture, etc. depending the mood and context. It is a great opportunity for Tiki users and Tiki power users to meet some of the developers and learn more stuff 😊

The majority of the most active contributors to Tiki will be present, with devs from 9 countries: Japan, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Germany, Israel, USA and of course, many from Canada.


Montréal: April 11-12-13-14, 2013
Ottawa: April 16-17-18-19-20-21-22, 2013

These 2 cities are a 2-hour train ride from each other

If you come for a shorter period (ex.: driving from the US), come towards the end, which will be the peak of everyone there. If you are travelling from far (ex.: Israel, Germany or Japan), you should come for two weeks and make that long flight worth it!

April 2013 City Notes
Wednesday 10 Travel day Fly in to Montréal
Thursday 11 Montréal 10-12h Intro / kick-off
13h-17h Tiki Timesheet and invoicing. Marc, Nathalie, Mitch, Jonny
18-21h Lessons to learn from Drupal (Omar Bickell)
Friday 12 Montréal 9-13h Kaltura and tv.tiki.org (Daniel, Pascal, Marc, Jonny), Video Editor, Let's move to the HTML5 player!
14-17h web best practices (responsive design, HTML5, etc.), with Mathieu Chartier, President of W3Québec
18-21h A dinner and friendly cocktail party in a local pub
Saturday 13 Montréal 10-17h CartoGraf, Maps, Timeline and TimeMap with Steve Quirion
18-21h Dev process & Components - URL Rewriting Revamp, Composer, Zend Framework 2, Assetic, Phing, Phar. etc.
21-02h CAPS LOCK SATURDAYS @ FOONZO - Evening of electronic music in a cozy environment with couches, video games and board games. Free entrance! Bring your laptops! (Eric)
Sunday 14 Montréal 10h-12h30 Time to work on own projects while being in group to be able to ask for help/advice from others
Some TikiFesters are heading to Ottawa this evening, but some will travel Monday
Monday 15 Montréal -> Ottawa Travel and rest day
Tuesday 16 Ottawa Continuous Integration Team Selenium Testing (Alain, Amette, Jyhem & Nelson)
Wishlist Triage Team show.tiki.org (Pascal & Amette)
Wednesday 17 Ottawa 10h-17h show.tiki.org and Configuration Management and Systems Orchestration (Amette, Nelson, Marc)
Maintainability of advanced configurations of features (LP, Amette, Nelson, Marc)
Tiki DB Anonymiser - a tool to strip out all the unnecessary data from a Tiki DB to have only the basic configuration left for testing purposes (amette, Nelson)
Configuration Management for Tiki Projects
Thursday 18 Ottawa All day: Fix bugs and Regressions in 11x
14h-15h Conference call with Zohar about Kaltura (Nelson, Jonny)
15-16h Visualization, Mindmap Régis & all
Friday 19 Ottawa Click here for an interactive map of all events for today

13-19h at the Code Factory, 100 Gloucester Street, Ottawa (new location)
BigBlueButton presentation by Fred Dixon, followed by working on BBB (and testing new features) from 0.81 See video. Also, we will have planning session about improving & Realtime collaboration in Tiki.

19-21h Dinner at East India Company, 210 Somerset St. West. — Indian buffet with salad, chutneys, 17-20 hot dishes, dessert bar, naan, etc. Reservation for 20 people has been made for 7 PM under the name "tikifest".

21h30 until late: table tennis bar. After dinner, we will walk 15 minutes to the SpinBin (310 Dalhousie Street) and hang out there for the rest of the evening.

Rick arrives YOW @ 1:53pm. Anyone available to pick me up from airport? Or send me address and I'll catch a cab.
Saturday 20 Ottawa 10h-12h Workshop: Tiki for a Web Agency If you are a web agency or freelancer, this is for you!
All day http://themes.tiki.org/Theme+Revamp, http://dev.tiki.org/CSS+Frameworks+and+Preprocessors, Mobile overhaul planning (Jonny, luci and Pascal) Twitter Bootstrap 3: New Release Preview – Mobile First https://www.ohloh.net/p/kurogo (Gary, luci, Duane, Jonny, Rick, Marc and Louis-Philippe)

Fautore Message Broker- Why and How? — Steve Cichosz

Filming by Daniel will take place at Alain. Please prepare your questions to prepare so that the interviews go well. If yes, see if it fits with the synopsis, the questions being asked and "Let's do it"! Note: I'll need someone to assist me please. Anyone?
Sunday 21 Ottawa 11h Branch 11
15h TikiFirst - Presentation with the goal of wrapping our efforts under one common goal and philosophy
Review all Teams, Status of each team, Key people to move things forward (Marc & all)
Monday 22 Ottawa 101 10 reasons I love PhpStorm for working on Tiki
(Jonny - will try my best to get it down to only 10 things.. 😉) more here, possibly followed by "Coder In A Fishbowl" where i try and fix stuff in Tiki and others poke me with a sharp stick (or maybe just ask questions).

12h LP on composer.php and OO coding in general
Endangered Features

How to run a Tiki-based consulting business? (Marc & Alain)

i18n Team (Olaf, Alain & Marc) and hopefully also Bernard and Jean-Marc and hopefully, maybe by remote, Leu, as Site Gardener for i18n.t.o https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Milkshake

Spam protection (Marc, Peter, amette, Jyhem, Eric, Alain) How to approve registrations on tiki.org http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:QuestyCaptcha
Tuesday 23 Travel day Ottawa -> Montréal for those that are flying out of Montréal. Flights to Europe are in the evening.


Montréal, Québec, Canada and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Group photo Three Cold Tikizens Ping Pong King Ping Pong Fred Men In Black Building Chibaguy With Ping Pong Beer Here are the first pictures where those invited to join the TikiFest gathered at a restaurant nearby Here are the first pictures where those invited to join the TikiFest gathered at a restaurant nearby Here are the first pictures where those invited to join the TikiFest gathered at a restaurant nearby Here are the first pictures where those invited to join the TikiFest gathered at a restaurant nearby Here are the first pictures where those invited to join the TikiFest gathered at a restaurant nearby After a hard day's work, here is everyone who responded to a restaurant invitation After a hard day's work, here is everyone who responded to a restaurant invitation After a hard day's work, here is everyone who responded to a restaurant invitation After a hard day's work, here is everyone who responded to a restaurant invitation After a hard day's work, here is everyone who responded to a restaurant invitation Tikifest Montreal 2013 Tikifest Ottawa 2013

What to do for fun in Montreal and Ottawa/Gatineau

If you are from out of town and are planning to do some touristy things in Montreal or Ottawa, here is some info.

Montreal is a very fun and safe city with a vibrant nightlife and an excellent cultural scene. There will be plenty of folks there to help you find something fun to do.

Ottawa is a much more "sleepy" little town, but the planned site for TikiFest Ottawa is right at the edge of Gatineau Park, a great natural place. If you are into hiking, Alain will be happy to take you into its rolling hills for a nice walk (http://tinyurl.com/cdge6nj... bring good boots as it will likely be muddy). We might also have dinner one night at Château Montebello (http://tinyurl.com/d7td7s6). Bring a bathing suit if you want to use their really nice pool (http://tinyurl.com/ctm8hb4)

Hiking in Ottawa

People that would be interested in being shown around by Alain:

  • I'm coming in my hiking boots, so challenge me! 😉
  • I'm interested. When is the "Hiking day" ?
    • Nothing too challenging I am afraid. This is the Gatineau Hills not the Rockies 😉 — Alain
  • I'll have my hiking boots. I'd love to take the opportunity to grab a couple geocaches which sem to abound. Is this one into the Park you speak of?
    • Awesome - never GeoCached before, so this sounds like a good opportunity!

Main Topics


The plan is here: https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki11#Release_plan

Dev process & Components

Quality code.tiki.org

Not covered

Other topics of interest to the attendees

  • File Gallery Revamp & elFinder discussion (Jonny, LP, Marc, Alain)
  • olaf-michael (interested also primarily on how to use to best replace some of the traditional functions of images).

JavaScript development workflow

and related topics (Node.js, Yeoman, grunt, bower, CouchDB, Susy, Bootstrap, etc.) Robin Millette


  • CKEditor4 & Roadmap (Jonny, Nelson, Bernard)

tiki.org Dogfood, Social Networking and Workspaces

User Trackers

  • Revamp interface & potentially merge some thing (LP & Jonny, Marc, etc.)

Maps & CartoGraf

  • Clean-up all legacy map stuff (Nelson & Jonny)

Local Tiki User Groups


  • Monitoring Jyhem, Eric, Marc & Amette
  • Backups Nelson, Amette, etc.

Finance and Fundraising





  • Most of the event will happen at Alain Désilets's house in Gatineau (just next to Ottawa) like the original TikiFest2008-Ottawa in 2008.



There goes STM shuttle bus 747 from the Trudeau Airport to City Center and back. It has Wi-Fi onboard! 😯 Ticket is $9 CAD, valid for 24hrs. You can use it for Metro too.


Ottawa to Montréal with André

  • On Tuesday April 23rd at noon
    • Olaf
    • Jyhem

Ottawa to Montréal via train/bus

  • Amette already has train ticket

Ottawa arrivals

For folks planning to attend the final weekend in Ottawa and are arriving directly at Ottawa airport, please add your flight arrival info to see if we can coordinate transportation.

  • Rick — Arriving YOW on Fri, Apr 19 at 1:53pm (United #UA6084). Now official hates United. 😑 After cancellations and re-routing, now arriving YOW on Air Canada #AC109 at 5:02pm. Anyone around at that time wants to pick me up? I'll buy you beer...
    Departing YOW on Mon, Apr 22 at 2:28pm (United #UA6089)
    Let's find a ride or share a cab... 😊
  • Lindon — Arriving YOW on Fri, Apr 19 at 9:46am (Air Canada #AC7731).
    Departing YOW on Tue, Apr 23 at 1:45pm (Air Canada #AC7732)



  • Pascal St-Jean (all days in Ottawa)
  • Alain Désilets (all days)
  • Nelson Ko (all days in Ottawa up to Saturday)
  • Marc Laporte (all days)
  • Duane Kennedy (most days in Ottawa)
  • amette (all days)
  • Pablo (some days, both in Montréal in Ottawa)
  • Louis-Philippe Huberdeau (most days, both in Montréal in Ottawa)
  • Bernard Sfez (all days)
  • Claude C. (some days in Ottawa) He is local and will just pop-up
  • Daniel - Filming in Ottawa April 20th (1/2 a day - pm) Likely won't sleep there
  • Régis Barondeau (one day in Ottawa for Mindmaps) Likely won't sleep there
  • JonnyB (all days), arrives (1 day earlier) Tuesday, April 9th 2013
  • luci (last days in Ottawa), arrives on Wednesday, April 17th 2013 - 20:20 at MTL (Trudeau INTL) airport, then needs to figure out his way to Ottawa
  • Gary (chibaguy) (all days)
  • Jyhem (all days), arrives Wednesday 10 April 2013 - 15:15 at MTL airport
  • Eric Beaurivage (almost all days)
  • Rick Sapir (ricks99): Arrives Friday, Apr 19 at 1:53pm in YOW (Ottawa); departs Mon, Apr 22 at 2:23pm in YOW
  • Olaf-Michael Stefanov (omstefanov) (all days - flight details to follow)
  • Lindon - arrives at YOW airport Friday, April 19, 9:46am; departs Tue, Apr 23, 1:45pm from YOW
  • Benoit Desjardins (One day in Montréal)
  • Steve Cichosz (Ottawa April 18-21, has rented car and own hotel)
  • Kenlo (One day in Montréal)

Waiting for feedback


Can't make it


Event organization todo


Related links

Pages related to this one

6 pages link to TikiFest2013-MontrealOttawa
