Welcome to Daniel's Open Source, Proprietary Software and Yoga World
New video clip
Hello Tiki.org World of developers. If you aspire to become a Video Content Creator, your at the right place. Here are some of the best admins you can find in the world of Wiki Groupware.
Bernard Sfez a Tiki Consultant from Israel
He owns and operates an agency offering web based solutions. He first heard about Tiki in 2001 when he was involved in a multilingual project. Since then, he is a regular contributor and well valued member of the Tiki community.
Bernard's web site services is based on partnership and a tight collaboration with his friends and clients. This include ongoing consultancy, technical support and training at all stage of a project.
On the tv.tiki.org side
Welcome to the Tiki.org's world of video via this link
On my YouTube side
Jean-Marc Libs
In , Tiki community member Jean-Marc Libs (aka Jyhem ) speaks about the benefits of using the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. In an interview originally recorded in Ottawa in 2012 (in French), Jean-Marc explains one of TIki's greatest strengths: tight integration among its features. Jean-Marc is a senior contributor to the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, dedicating several hours each day to programming and development, as well as general administration of the Tiki Community and infrastructure. Jean-Marc lives in Strasbourg, France and founded the alsawiki.com company, which specializes in open-source software and Tiki deployments.
This video, fabricated by me as I am a film producer and entrepreneur and Tiki Community member since 2009). In fact this clip has that one thing different: It's in French.
In addition, the clip is in French. Tks to Jean-Marc's cleverness to come forward and say, when we were all together at the Ottawa Tikifest: Let's do the interview in french!
This is why I say about Jean-Marc in the press release:
Then let's not forget...
Kaltura's in visible integrated video CDN
Thank you to Kaltura for their continued integration support with Tiki and their repository services.
- Sales' pitch" re their online summit.
- Kaltura MediaGo release and more about MediaGo on Kaltura's blog
Here are sites I worked on
Sand Boxes
- YogaPartout in FR
- Satoshi.Yoga in EN
- This Non Profit Organisation is launched mid 2025. Keep an eye on this framework as it will regroup the textfrench, the english and even the spanish ecosystem.
My passion
I'm passionate about video, radio and the web. As technology is evolving, so do I. As the web evolves, so is the relationship between all media is fading. One concept that I'm working with these days is Nonlinear narrative story telling (see bellow more about passion. On this subject, please refer to the Advanced Content Publishing page and the search for the Online Publishing House group. I've worked in the film industry years ago. This is why my heart belongs to this field. I specialize in the following areas:
- Pre-production including script writing, planning shoots and proof-reading;
- Production of video and photography; and
- Post-production including editing, distribution
for both for the brick and mortar and virtual world.
- Menu building processes. When creating a video clip, one has to have a menu to begin with. Strangely enough, it is at the end that one constructs the menu system for a video clip. With the making of a menu system for your video clip, think about how it will be structure at the beginning and keep in mind that online video clip production is Nonlinear.
More about Passion
In the course of getting to learn about the world of smart communities, Daniel came across the blockchain and his passion for yoga. Not only centered into being the best (see here the swot analysis ) CMS, Daniel is also interested in the Blockchain and its role in the yoga ecosystem.
No need to say that the relationship between Tiki and the Blockchain is not obvious. Therefore, Daniel searched on the Proprietary side to get help. He discover that the blockchain is inevitable, yet not simple enough to make it a Unique Selling Proposition.
Decision about Daniel's Passion
In short, Daniel discovered that the world of Open Source can integrate the Proprietary but not the other way around unless specific efforts with the corporations who control their destiny can make a place to the Open Source Community.
The first hashtag created for Daniel's purpose to integrate the Open Source with the Proprietary World was possible when he discovered Slack.com. Daniel did not even know how powerfull an intelligent hashtags could be.
You can read the whole story on Foundhq.com
The second hash of the final of three key words telling what is Daniel up to came about via this hashtag, composed of three words
My preferate hashtag
Considering that I administer three web sites, it was easy to figure out how to communicate my three passions. One word for each passion separated by an hyphen equal one hashtag.
After composing my hashtag, I needed to interconnect it on my proprietary side with a unique identification number. Here is the result:
tiki unique id: 001o0000005Hbh3 blockchain unique id: 0031N00001Qz0Rl tantra unique id: 003OH00000FyXTW
- The first word is obvious: tiki
- The second word is about the blockchain because the whole subjective world is going toward a decentralized tokenization
- The third word is about yoga. Note here that Daniel is a Yoga Master and confirms that tantra is not about an obscure sexual practice. It is obscure because it touches Hindouism, Bouddhism and other world religious systems AND it is not sexual (or so little 😉. More about this via Daniel's yoga in french web site.
Although, Daniel was recognized as an eternal newbie via the Tiki Community elders, he became acquainted with Tiki and uses it daily via the administration of his three sites.
- https://yogapartout.com in French
- The attempt to conquer the United States got dimmed on January 20th, 2025 and now "Je me tiens debout" et "Je me souviens" (I'm standing tall and I remember).
- The non profit that is the conclusion of Daniel's endeavour (to be launched mid 2025)
When it comes down to video editing I'm proficient with FCP and Premiere by Adobe.
When it comes down to script writing, I'm in my element. Therefore, documentation is always of interest to me although I'm mostly doing video prods.
- See the TV server installed on the Tiki side
- See a repository of all TV clips bundled on the Tiki side
- Get some ressources about codex, trans coding and the likes. Kaltura being a prime interest for Tiki, you'll find a bundle or resources available
The most active project yet sent to the la la land of nowhere I was working on here at Tiki is the Video clip project (retired) where Open Source tools were being used and developed to communicate and promote Tiki as a good and solid infrastructure solution.
Tiki as a CDN
Tiki is used to document the video clips I've started to produce. The objective is to build a portal that would be used as a Content Delivery Network. As we all know, robust, yet agile CDN's are not cheap. Specially those CDN who manage complexity. Tiki as it all. We just need to make it do what we want.
Tiki as a solution
As all video editing 'affectionados' will confirm, doing a good *video montage*, requires time and money resources. Therefore, the crowd sourcing concept of doing online video editing is not only a dream come true with the use of the Kaltura plateform, it is a real possibility. It's been done before, you can view a sample on wikipedia. Yet, as mentioned, it requires resources. Would you be interested to make this video clip project fly higher and faster? If so, join our community and enjoy the ride!
Example of a social media experience
Who said kids are not ready for open communications?
This young girl (the one wearing a hero cap using a "vacation type of camera") bellow is filming with a small digital camera (not to mistake with a professional digital camera) conducts her interview with a movie actor who just learned he won an award.
Tiki is a wiki
Is tiki wiki fast?
Can Tiki CMS Groupware be so easy to use that this girl can conduct her interview and put it out there on the web within an hour?
About the question of speed, Tiki.org is just like any other CMS
Tiki.org 'may be' fast after a senior tiki.org administrator takes the time to run an "org analysis" and "fix the issues" that slows down the ecosystem the user works on.
Is tiki wiki integrated with other means of expression?
Per example, can the Print on Demand endeavor proposed by Gary fit into an o2o UI?
Tiki as non linear
As technology evolves, so is Tiki. Please keep an eye on Advanced Content Publishing since it is becoming clearer and clearer that once a tiki developer masters the basics about tiki and about video production, tiki can be very handy to create a multi-layer UI whereby many people working on the same project converge toward a unique organic content development. For example, let's say your working on a video clip presentation that is intended to many people coming from many background. The stake holders don't agree. Here is where possible conflict can occur. Roles in the project are:
- Scriptwriter (specially in situations where the specs are organic) (See this 10 page PDF description of roles in a feature film production)
- Director
- DoP
- Producer
- Editor
- Distributor
- and you
Because Tiki allows non linear thinking, even if your crew does not agree, you can go ahead, continue to construct your video clip, whichever role you play in the production.
However, if other members of the production remain in disagreement, bring the discussion back to the end product, what does the audience will get out of the experience. If people still don't agree, ask them:
- How will it look in the menu system once it's time to burn DVDs?
- If a viewer wants to see only "my part" will he be able?
Just like in a book creation, when creating your video clip, think non linear. After all, as technology evolves, filmmakers will want to have control of the final product without over powering the others by using status quo and discouraging others to continue to contribute.
Therefore, if you have actors in your film (per example), make sure they understand that you use organic resources to save money and that if they don't agree on what to do next, i.e. what will the menu system on the end product look and read like, the project will not grow and be completed as scheduled (use Project Management and tiki trackers to make your production schedule, your assistant director will love you!). Be prepared to go back to the narrative board to patch stuff!
What has been done so far
Here are the clips that have already been broadcast on the internet using Kaltura technology
- How to get help with Gary Cunningham Lee (done)
- BBB with Fred Dixon and Marc Laporte (done)
- Philippe Cloutier on the translation power of Tiki (done)
- Jean-Marc Libs: Tiki and how to answer to real client's need (in FR: Tiki et comment répondre au vrai besoin du client) (to do)
- How to manage complexity with (Louis-Philippe Huberleau (to do)
- Tiki as an e-commerce solution by Pascal St-Jean (done)
- The concept of modularity by Marc Laporte (to do)
- Groups being easily managed by Nelso Ko (to do)
- International Online publishing by Kirsten (to do)
- Tiki and JQuerry by Jonny Bradley (to do)
- What is and what is not Tiki by Marc Laporte (to do)
- The Communications Team
- I help answering in the forum
- Asking for help with Big Blue Button. Which plugin do you prefer most?
- The Video Portal space where I did an inventory of all video clips being seen on Tiki.
- I maintain a Ressource page on the TV side
- Published a video about Big Blue Button
- Had a jingle made by an Open Source musician so we can use that jingle to every video clips being broadcast
- The mobile project
- Preparing a presentation for PHP Quebec. The presentation is entitled: Customer Service and how to delight. I speak and communicate in French (mother tongue), English and Spanish.
My passion, what tickles me is yoga. I teach sometimes and got invited to help the international group in France. I've been practicing yoga since age 17. Do the math, I was borned in 57!
I'm available to do these things:
- Hand made Screenprinting - Post Cards, etc
- Videography
- Photography
- Advisory
- Script writing
- Project management
- Documentation specialist and social media development
I've written RFP's, RFQ's and done some SDLC projects in the past where I got involved in use cases, enough to give clients analysis reports as I have a basic training in Information Technology. I can help you get started with Tiki on the front end side not the back-end.
I can be reached at: daniel - at - satoshi.yoga
Giving instead of selling
I formed a non-profit organisation named YogaPartout-Satoshi.Yoga in May of 2023 so that
- Instead of selling my customer service, sales and telemarketing company I gave away my clients to someone else and gave to the non-profit the YogaPartout and Satoshi.Yoga web site.
Maintenance of the site
All financial ressources have been used five months after the beginning of the web sites
The results
Giving and fund raising
The first round of fund raising was sufficient enough to pay for an advertising banner that was used to recruit more members and money
13 pages link to UserPagedaniam
Why I am using Tiki.org
Because of its
- Integration Capabilities
- Unified Customer Experience
- Accelerated Digital Transformation
- API-Led Connectivity
- Enhanced Data Flow
- Comprehensive Integration Solutions
- Improved Innovation and Agility