Now that you installed Tiki, you are the SysAdmin and the TikiAdmin (at least until you delegate this last role)

Video about how to set up your new Tiki

Admin quick start:

This is the initial screen that will be displayed when you first access Tiki:

This page displays the Application menu, the login box and a Wiki error message since anonymous (not logged in) users initially can't view the Wiki pages.

  • Log in as admin, using the password admin.
  • When prompted, change the admin password to something secure that you can remember.
  • Now you can see the HomePage of the Wiki (blank). The left navigation bar has a new option: the Admin (click!) link and a button to its left. The contents of the navigation bar change based on which features you enable. In the illustration below, several features have already been enabled. Your initial navigation bar will not show all of these.

You may need to refresh the browser in order to see the Admin (click!) link on the left navigation bar.


  • Click the Admin (click!) link in the menu. It will take you to the main admin screen where a lot of parameters for your site can be set up.

    • Follow these links for more information on Admin options:
      • TikiAdminSettings

  • Additional configuration options are displayed when clicking the button to the left of Admin (click!) (see below).


You are now ready to configure Tiki to meet your needs by using the Admin page and the Admin menu from the navigation bar. Your first step should be to go to the Features menu and start enabling features.

Tiki comes with hardly anything enabled!

And then?

After you're started you'll soon need more specific information. Here's a ton of links ; bookmark this page😉

This site

The best resource for Tikiwiki Administrators is this very site.

Normal documentation

Alternative ways to find information

Though you'll find lots of informations using the above refered documentation, you'll soon realize our documentation is still incomplete. Here are alternative ways to find information.

Incomplete documentation
If you use these ways and success finding information missing in normal documentation, a good thing to do is to report your findings at the appropriated place. If you feel like helping with the documentation, see OldTikiWikiDocumentationPlan and related pages. Thank you for your help.
  • Shoutbox
    The Shoutbox is a great place to ask quick questions and you will often get good answers.
  • Forums

Tiki users' mailing list on SourceForge


Below are categories for SysAdmin and TikiAdmin. Some features' administration is already documented. The pages documenting the administration of a FeatureX are named FeatureXAdmin (in TikiAdmin category).

Category: TikiAdmin
Category: SysAdmin