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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


This page needs to be merged with General Admin


This panel controls settings and preferences generic to Tiki.

General Preferences


This option sets the default theme of your Tiki. Please note that if the user preferences feature is enabled then users can choose their own theme — overriding this setting. Only anonymous users and those who never used set in User Preferences' User Information will be affected.

Learn more about themes (aka, styles) and how to create your own custom ones over here: ThemesDoc.

Slideshows theme

The CSS file used for slideshows, found in styles/slideshows.


This option selects the language that the site will use.

Use URI as Home Page:

See below for use of this field.

Home Page:

(How to set the site's home page)

This is a very interesting feature, with this setting you can select what to use as the Home Page of Tiki. The Home page has the following properties:

  • It's where you go if you click the home link in the main menu.
  • It's where you go after you log in.
  • It's where you go if you use http://some.com/tiki/index.php or http://some.com/tiki/.
  • It's where you go if you click the logo in the logo module.

You have many options for the home page:

WikiThe home page will be the Wiki Page selected as home page. (See selecting the wiki home page in the wiki panel.)
ArticlesThe home page will be the articles home page, where you can see the last n articles entered.
BlogThe home page will be a weblog that you have to select in the weblog settings part of this screen. If you don't set it or no blogs exist please don't select this option as the home page. It will break the Tiki.
Image galleryThe home page will be an image gallery that you can select in the Image galleries setting section of this screen. If you don't have any galleries please don't select this option because it won't work at all.
File galleryThe home page will be a file gallery that can be selected in the file galleries settings section of this screen. If you don't have any file galleries please don t select this options. It will break the Tiki.
ForumThe home page will be the list of topics of a forum selected from the forums setting section of this screen.
Custom home pageThe home page will be a customized home page. The customized home page is called using tiki-custom_home.php which does nothing but display the tiki-custom_home.tpl template so you can edit the template and put whatever HTML you want for your home page: images, links to wiki pages, links to forums, anything you want. This is a neat way to make your Tiki site very personal, design your home as you want and provide links to different Tiki sections from there. Maybe you can even use some Flash (ouchi!!) 😊
Any URLIf you select this option then the URL entered at the box will be used as your home page. This is very useful to set, for example, an HTML page as the home page: tiki-page.php?pageName=foo or something similar. Warning : this must be a relative path or be prefixed by http://


Indicates the operating system for this Tiki system. If Windows is selected then some specific functions that are Unix-related and can't be disabled without any problems are not used. This is just to make sure that your Tiki site will work...no functionality will be lost.

General Settings

If checked then links to external pages will be opened in a new window.

Please note that featuredLinks and hotwords links don't use this property. This property applies only to external links in Wiki pages.

Display modules to all groups always:

In the admin modules screen when you assign a module to the left or right sidebar you can select which groups will be able to see the module. If this box is checked then modules will be always displayed to all users without considering their group. Use this feature if you are not interested in having modules that are displayed only to specific groups. (Note: The admin menu module is displayed only to admins.)

❗ Be very careful about turning this option off! (It's on by default.) It is very easy to lock yourself out of your wiki system completely because you've set anonymous users into the "Anonymous" group, but not enabled the login_box module for anonymous users, so you won't be able to log in. Or you've not enabled the application_menu module for registered users, and thus won't be able to do any more administration. If you do lock yourself out, you can undo your stupidity with PhpMyAdmin: look in the tiki_preferences table for the option modallgroups and set to value "y".

Use cache for external pages:

If checked then Tiki will try to cache external links to make them available if the site goes offline or the page is changed. If you are running Tiki in an intranet or you don't want the cache feature you can disable it here.

Note: You may need permission according to your local law to cache or download pages or images from external sites.

Use cache for external images:

When this option is checked Tiki will download images, store them in the database and replace their URLs by a local one. This allows you to always have images available even if they were taken from a external site and the site goes offline.

Note: You may need permission according to your local law to cache or download pages or images from external sites.

If enabled, then direct links to pages will be displayed in listings. If not enabled, only next/prev buttons are provided.

Display menus as folders

If enabled, menus will be presented as expandable folders. That is, certain sections or folders of the menu will contain subheadings underneath them. The user will click on a folder icon or other gizmo to the left of the folder name in order to reveal those additional choices.

Some menus may be pre-set as already expanded. In that case, the subheadings will be displayed initially and the user may conceal them by clicking the folder icon/gizmo.

Use gzipped output:

Tiki will try to send gzipped content to browsers accepting compressed content. Can greatly speed up the access to your site and cause errors depending on some php.ini settings (to be explained more in detail!).

possible errors: rss feeds, blank pages

Count admin page views:

If not checked, then views of pages done by the person using the admin account are not counted for the site statistics. Helps the page-view counter give a more accurate indication of how many visitors the site really has, because it is not including the visits from the site administrator.

Server Name

The server name that Tiki will use to build absolute URLS. For example, SERVER_NAME . Do not use http:// or subdirectories in this blank — for example, http://www.ATikiSite.com/blorp .

Usually the default is ok but in some special configurations you may want to change it. Localhost is a good value if you are testing Tiki in your local machine.

Browser Title

This indicates the name of the site that will show in the title bar of your Web browser (works like the <title> tag in HTML).

Temporary Directory

The directory your Web server uses for temporary files.

Sender Email

What is shown as the expeditor of the messages sent by your Tiki's mailing system. This is not necessarily a valid email adress. You can enter, for example, My Wiki's name. Consequently this is optional and won't determine if mail will be sent or not.

Contact User

User which is targeted by messages sent using the contact us page (-+tiki-contact.php+-).

Maximum number of records in listings

This option sets the maximum number of records that will be displayed in listings. There are seveal listings in Tiki. When the listing would show more than this number of rows then links to prev/next pages are displayed (pagination is used). If you're looking at the tpl you'll see a ref to maxRecords. This value is set here.

Date formats

Formats used for dates in Tiki. You can change them as you want. Use the format established by PHP:


Change admin password

And, if you do, be sure to write it down somewhere safe!


Who is working here generally?


Page last modified on Tuesday 01 March 2005 15:03:55 GMT-0000

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