Volunteering Facilitator: Jonny Bradley
- Watch and listen to the recording of the meeting here.
Our monthly meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 14h UTC so the meeting for July is on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 14:00:00 UTC time (click to check time zone in your location)
See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.
First hour, quick news
- Tiki 27.0 LTS Release: https://tiki.org/article512-Tiki-27-0-LTS-A-Leap-Forward-for-Collaborative-Software
thanks to…. - ...
put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above
Second hour, longer topics
- What needs to be done to finish UAB (Unified Admin Backend), so the legacy admin interface can be retired and Tiki will just have one admin interface?
- https://dev.tiki.org/Unified%20Admin%20Backend?highlight=UAB#Third_step
- Other issues/solutions
- First milestone almost achieved for Tiki IoT
- https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/4178 (The MR is getting reviewed)
- ...
put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above
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One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2024 07