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  • luciash d' being 🧙

    Just wondering why do we need another SandBox ❓
    • Stephen Lee

      Replied to Just...

      I don't know! Apparantley the real one has been turned off. All this is is a normal wiki page so there isn't much point really, I suppose.
      It is a useful area to test, without having to change other wiki pages, though, so maybe it could be of use.

      • Damian Parker

        Original one was disabled because of anonymous spammers.
        • luciash d' being 🧙

          When there's no effect, they will maybe stop to spam. See my idea at SandBoxDev
      • max-max

        You guessed right. I wanted to try out TikiWiki, but I found the sandbox disabled. By the way: it is amazing, how fast this new Sandbox gets populated...

  • luciash d' being 🧙

    When this page is cached it shows:

    and when it's refreshed it shows correctly:

    • Stephen Lee

      Replied to

      When this... Something to do with the ~np~ tags. I have the same prob in my tiki

    • Damian Parker

      Replied to

      When this... I thought that gremlin was fixed. obvousily not! man the parse_data routine 😂

  • hypergrove

    Hey where's my image once I add height/width/align values?
    • hypergrove

      Replied to Hey where's... Oh, there it is. The emoticons are pretty stupid and the regex replace is too, for most intended audiences.