History: UserPageBsfez
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Hello! My name is Bernard Sfez.
I’m a Tiki specialist, I manage web oriented projects and lead developers to successful project launch.
I am full of energy! If there is a problem to solve, there is a problem no more!
I’ve been for years an active member of the Tiki community.
I’m a proud Tiki Admin involved in almost every aspect of this project.
I helped and successfully contribute to the project in many way (code commit, QA, release coordinator, community manager, etc.)
How can I help you ?
- You are looking for a Tiki Specialist with extended knowledge in Content management systems, Tiki Wiki and WikiSuite including IT Administration, Security and Database management background.
- You need someone with deep process integration experience and creative problem solving abilities with positive attitude to meet objectives and budget.
- You want someone you can trust with 20 years of consolidated experience which covers many fields including eCommerce, ERP/CRM, Social Networks, Mobile development, SEO, UI/UX, Servers and network administration.
Visit Bernard Sfez website or send me an email: me at bsfez.com!