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Features / Usability

Application Menu question

posts: 60


I want to make the application_menu visible only for administrators. I went to admin->modules, I edited the application_menu and chose only administrators can view it, but still, everyone, even anonymous can view it 😑 Why so? How do I do it so that only admins can view it?


posts: 957

You probably have the groups set in a hierarchical way. You have to set admin group, not to include Anonymous group inside, but give the admini group whatever permissions needed directly, assigning directly permissions through permission levels, for instance, etc.
Does it make any sense for you?

posts: 60


I just removed ALL permissions for administrators, I set the application_menu visible only for administrators, and i still see it. Any other idea what else could it be?

Thanks a lot and Happy Holidays!

posts: 175 Canada

Also, In your Admin, "General preferences and settings" page make sure you have the "Display modules to all groups always:" box unchecked.

BUT before you do make sure the menu module is visible to you as admin as well as the login modules. Otherwise you may get locked out of your site

posts: 60

That fixed it!
Thanks a lot! 😊