Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Let's talk about Galaxia
Changes so far:
1) lib/Galaxia/config.php: removed amp; from URI passed to tiki-g-run_activity.php. Fixes execution of non-interactive activities.
2) lib/Galaxia/config.tikiwiki.php: see #1.
3) lib/Galaxia/src/ProcessManager/GraphViz.php: patched image_and_map() function to add the proper quotes in the outputh file paths when running on Windows. Fixes graph image file generation on Windows, as long as Graphviz binaries can be found in the PATH environment variable. The setup program for Graphviz 2.2.1 adds the installation folder to PATH, so it shouldn't be a problem.
4) lib/Galaxia/src/API/Instance.php: applied patch #1175798 ( to fix the setOwner method.
5) templates/tiki-g-user_instances.tpl: applied patch #1063527 ( to properly persiste instance filters after aborting, grabbing or releasing an instance.
6) Documentation: the code for the Browse CDs activity has a hardcoded activityId (3) in its template code. If the activityId for Browse CDs in your deployment wasn't 3, the change status link in the Action column wouldn't work. You also can't use the instance->getActivityId() to abstract the Id because there's no instance running - it's a standalone activity. The documentation must EXPLICITLY state the necessity of hardcoding the activityId in the template code.
7) Documentation: several other minor flaws and typos.
1) tiki-g-admin_graph.php: changed $info'graph' to that it would contain an URL to the graph image file instead of an absolute filesystem path.
There were other patches and bugs in SourceForge but it seemed to me that most, if not all, had already been commited to CVS and released with 1.8.5. I focused in the most recent posts and in my own problems. For now I'm sticking to 1.8.5.
Let's see what's already merged and what isn't. Things are looking sweet now. Regards,
> This weekend was pretty productive.
> Don't get me wrong, but the documentation PDFs are in DIRE NEED of an overhaul. I had to fix several things in my deployment. This could drive away potential users. I could help with this.
> Y'know, I shoud have read the "fixed: non-interactive activities and the amp bug" thread. Because I just spent FIVE HOURS working on the very same problem 😬 Got it solved in the end and learned a lot about the code in the process (ashuap, it's not just the amp, you should delete the ; as well, and the code is parsing config.php, not config.tikiwiki.php), especially about the code/template combination. Good 😊
> Well, what can I say? I think my Galaxia deployment is pretty much READY for the first real-world business process. A pretty complex one, by the way.
> I'll let you know as it develops. Regards,
> Georger