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Galaxia Workflow Engine

Graph not rendered - smarty error?

Hello all,

I never developed in PHP so I'm hoping that there's a quick resolution to my problem. I can't see the graphs generated on my workflows, but they're there physically on my web server. I know EXACTLY where the problem is, but not how to fix it.

I created a workflow process called "Test Process 1". Everything went great up until the point where I tried to view the graph of the workflow. I realized that I did not have GraphViz installed and after I rectified this, I went back to view the graph. This time, things were a little bit different: I could load up the page in my brower (tiki-g-admin_graph.php?pid=1) but instead of seeing the graph, I saw a broken-img-link icon. I knew that one of the two things happened:

  • the graph was not created at all
  • the graph was created, but somehow it did not get linked properly

I dug into the source code and realized that graphs are saved in this directory:

I found my graph there (*.png file) along with the map file. So the first possiblity was ruled out — the graph was created properly.

I then started reading tiki-g-admin_graph.php page and pretty quickly realized that the graph was created in this segment of code:

(somewhere around line 33 of tiki-g-admin_graph.php)

if ($_REQUEST%22pid%22) {
$info = $processManager->get_process($_REQUEST%22pid%22);
$info'graph' = GALAXIA_PROCESSES."/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".png";
$mapfile = GALAXIA_PROCESSES."/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".map";

if (file_exists($info'graph') && file_exists($mapfile)) {
$map = join('',file($mapfile));
$url = "tiki-g-admin_activities.php?pid=".$info'pId';
$map = preg_replace('/href=".*?activityId/', 'href="' . $url . '&activityId', $map); $info'map' = $map;

All right. So the info about my graph was created by concatenating stuff to GALAXIA_PROCESSES variable. I found this variable in lib/Galaxia/config.php. Unless it exists previously, it is created from GALAXIA_LIBRARY. GALAXIA_LIBRARY in turn is created by "dirname(FILE)". I don't know PHP but I take it that this lists my current working directory path.

Be that as it may, I put in a print statement in the above code segment and I realized that
$info'graph'="var/www/html/tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png" So it seems to be pointing in the right place, and the "file_exists" condition passes in the above code excerpt.

I then loaded up tiki-g-admin_graph.php page in my browser and viewed the source of the page. There was my culprit!

The source tries to connect "img src" to "var/www/html/tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png". But this is wrong! The apache expects to see only "tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png" !

I realized that this page is created by the mean of something called Smarty, which turns out to be a template-presentation framework (Learning PHP in these last few hours). I located this template here:

When I open this file up, I find this code excerpt:

(somewhere around line 51 of tiki-g-admin_graph.tpl)

img src="{$info.graph}" alt="{$info.name}" border="0" usemap="#procmap"

(in proper html tags that I removed here so it's rendered nicely).

As you can see, this template file reads in the $info.graph, which is set to my absolute path. I need it to be relative path. Rather than hack it by hand, how do we make this automatic?

The end
Sorry for the essay, but I really wanted to be as specific as possible so some developer could help me out.
What we need is to strip the leading "/var/www/html" (Apache root) from $info.graph. Any functions that do this for us?

Thanks in advance,



just replace line 43 of tiki-g-admin_graph.php with the following one:

$info'graph' = "lib/Galaxia/processes/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".png";

The variable $info'graph' isn't used anywhere else, so don't be afraid to do this because it won't break anything. Its sole purpose is to contain the relative path to the graph image. I've been running this code for weeks now with no problems.
You should also apply the patch that fixes non-interactive activities. Look for it on SourceForge.
Guess it's time to start merging the 8 fixes I have to CVS... Regards,


> Hello all,
> I never developed in PHP so I'm hoping that there's a quick resolution to my problem. I can't see the graphs generated on my workflows, but they're there physically on my web server. I know EXACTLY where the problem is, but not how to fix it.
> Intro
> I created a workflow process called "Test Process 1". Everything went great up until the point where I tried to view the graph of the workflow. I realized that I did not have GraphViz installed and after I rectified this, I went back to view the graph. This time, things were a little bit different: I could load up the page in my brower (tiki-g-admin_graph.php?pid=1) but instead of seeing the graph, I saw a broken-img-link icon. I knew that one of the two things happened:
> * the graph was not created at all
> * the graph was created, but somehow it did not get linked properly
> Debug
> I dug into the source code and realized that graphs are saved in this directory:
> lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/
> I found my graph there (*.png file) along with the map file. So the first possiblity was ruled out — the graph was created properly.
> I then started reading tiki-g-admin_graph.php page and pretty quickly realized that the graph was created in this segment of code:


> (somewhere around line 33 of tiki-g-admin_graph.php)
> if ($_REQUEST%22pid%22) {
> $info = $processManager->get_process($_REQUEST%22pid%22);
> $info'graph' = GALAXIA_PROCESSES."/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".png";
> $mapfile = GALAXIA_PROCESSES."/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".map";
> if (file_exists($info'graph') && file_exists($mapfile)) {
> $map = join('',file($mapfile));
> $url = "tiki-g-admin_activities.php?pid=".$info'pId';
> $map = preg_replace('/href=".*?activityId/', 'href="' . $url . '&activityId', $map); $info'map' = $map;


> All right. So the info about my graph was created by concatenating stuff to GALAXIA_PROCESSES variable. I found this variable in lib/Galaxia/config.php. Unless it exists previously, it is created from GALAXIA_LIBRARY. GALAXIA_LIBRARY in turn is created by "dirname(FILE)". I don't know PHP but I take it that this lists my current working directory path.
> Be that as it may, I put in a print statement in the above code segment and I realized that
> $info'graph'="var/www/html/tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png" So it seems to be pointing in the right place, and the "file_exists" condition passes in the above code excerpt.
> I then loaded up tiki-g-admin_graph.php page in my browser and viewed the source of the page. There was my culprit!
> The source tries to connect "img src" to "var/www/html/tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png". But this is wrong! The apache expects to see only "tikiwiki-1.9.0/lib/Galaxia/processes/Test_Process_1_10/graph/Test_Process_1_10.png" !
> Problem
> I realized that this page is created by the mean of something called Smarty, which turns out to be a template-presentation framework (Learning PHP in these last few hours). I located this template here:
> template/tiki-g-admin_graph.tpl
> When I open this file up, I find this code excerpt:


> (somewhere around line 51 of tiki-g-admin_graph.tpl)
> img src="{$info.graph}" alt="{$info.name}" border="0" usemap="#procmap"
> (in proper html tags that I removed here so it's rendered nicely).


> As you can see, this template file reads in the $info.graph, which is set to my absolute path. I need it to be relative path. Rather than hack it by hand, how do we make this automatic?
> The end
> Sorry for the essay, but I really wanted to be as specific as possible so some developer could help me out.
> What we need is to strip the leading "/var/www/html" (Apache root) from $info.graph. Any functions that do this for us?
> Thanks in advance,
> Milan


Speaking of patches, also look for the one that fixes JOIN activities getting activated before all preceding activities are completed. Regards,


> Hmm,
> just replace line 43 of tiki-g-admin_graph.php with the following one:
> $info'graph' = "lib/Galaxia/processes/" . $info'normalized_name' . "/graph/" . $info'normalized_name' . ".png";
> The variable $info'graph' isn't used anywhere else, so don't be afraid to do this because it won't break anything. Its sole purpose is to contain the relative path to the graph image. I've been running this code for weeks now with no problems.
> You should also apply the patch that fixes non-interactive activities. Look for it on SourceForge.
> Guess it's time to start merging the 8 fixes I have to CVS... Regards,
> Georger