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Galaxia Workflow Engine



If your main interest in TiwiWiki is Galaxia (mine is), use 1.9.0. It has several bugfixes and improvements. The particular issue you mention is already fixed in 1.9.0. The other bugs that I and others discussed in this message board are also based on 1.9.0. Regards,


> THIS IS NOT FIXED. (At least not in 1.8.5)
> The "amp" has been removed, however, the semicolon ; has been left in.
> In config.php, you need to go to the 'galaxia_execute_activity' function defintion at the bottom. Look for this line:

> Image
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$parts[count($parts)-1] = "tiki-g-run_activity.php?activityId=$activityId&;iid=$iid&auto=$auto";

> You have to remove the semicolon right after "$activityId&".
> Frankly, I'm somewhat stunned that a bug that completely breaks automatic activity processing has been left unfixed in the "stable" build for so long. I mean, not even the trivial example in the manual works because of this!

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