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Galaxia Workflow Engine


Can anyone help me how to route a document in Galaxia Workflow? I can get some of the steps in workflow to work.

Basically I want
1. one user to upload a document (say a word file) and pass it to another user.
2. another user will check the document and approve or disapprove it.
3. the first user will then know if his document was approved or disapproved.


looks like you have a simple process here. Just the implementation is a bit complicated because you have to 1)handle the upload for the submitter, and 2)the download/view for the reviewer. Emails should be sent too.

Code a Start activity where the submitter can upload a document. Upon activity completion, steer the instance to the review activity. After completing review, send the instance to acknowledgement - and End activity.


> Can anyone help me how to route a document in Galaxia Workflow? I can get some of the steps in workflow to work.
> Basically I want
> 1. one user to upload a document (say a word file) and pass it to another user.
> 2. another user will check the document and approve or disapprove it.
> 3. the first user will then know if his document was approved or disapproved.



First, I think you can't specify the next user in a start activity (I think it's because the instance is not created before the end of the start activity - so you can't assign the next user before the instance exists).

Here is the way I used to do almost the same think you want.

In my start activity, a user (student1) uploads a file.

Following the start activity, there's a non-interactive activity that just sets the next user. First, I find who is the owner of the instance (student1), and I look in a table I created in the tiki database who is the person assigned to that student (teacher1).

$query="select * from students where student ='$owner'";

The next activity is assigned to teacher1 (of course, teacher1 must have a role accepted by that activity...)


Thanks for the help.

I'll try to do what you guys said.

If I have any problems I'll just post here again.

Can anyone help me how to upload a file and then another user (reviewer) specified will be able to download/edit it as described in the forum message above?

I was able to upload a file using the following code. I got it from

Will another specified user (reviewer) be able to download the same file or is there a better way to upload a file?

I am not that familiar with PHP.


{*Smarty template*}

Send this file:


Can anyone help me how to upload a file and then another user (reviewer) specified will be able to download/edit it as described in the forum message above?

I was able to upload a file using the following code. I got it from

Will another specified user (reviewer) be able to download the same file or is there a better way to upload a file?

I am not that familiar with PHP.


form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">

input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000" />

Send this file: input name="userfile" type="file" />
input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send File" />


if'submit'" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips isset">$_REQUEST'submit'{

// In PHP versions earlier than 4.1.0, $HTTP_POST_FILES should be used instead
// of $_FILES.

$uploaddir = '/var/www/uploads/';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES'userfile''name');

echo '';
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES'userfile''tmp_name', $uploadfile)) {
echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
} else {
echo "Possible file upload attack!\n";

echo 'Here is some more debugging info:';

print "";


  • I made a mistake in the earlier post. Apparently html and php tags do not appear. I just copied and text the code from my galaxia workflow code and template and posted it here write away without previewing first.

> Can anyone help me how to route a document in Galaxia Workflow? I can get some of the steps in workflow to work.
> Basically I want
> 1. one user to upload a document (say a word file) and pass it to another user.
> 2. another user will check the document and approve or disapprove it.
> 3. the first user will then know if his document was approved or disapproved.

> Can anyone help me how to route a document in Galaxia Workflow? I can get some of the steps in workflow to work.
> Basically I want
> 1. one user to upload a document (say a word file) and pass it to another user.
> 2. another user will check the document and approve or disapprove it.
> 3. the first user will then know if his document was approved or disapproved.
Does Galaxia have attached file?

> Can anyone help me how to route a document in Galaxia Workflow? I can get some of the steps in workflow to work.
> Basically I want
> 1. one user to upload a document (say a word file) and pass it to another user.
> 2. another user will check the document and approve or disapprove it.
> 3. the first user will then know if his document was approved or disapproved.

You can too use RanchBE. It is a GED that include GALAXIA. Its his job to route document from user to another with rules to apply between each activity.