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Galaxia Workflow Engine

Problem with split activity

i am using tikiwikiver 1.8.6 in galaxia i have encountered a problem in split activity when i am using split activity it is not working, like when one of the user complete his instance then the user of that instance will not be able to see that instance...
how do i solve that problem


> hi,
> i am using tikiwikiver 1.8.6 in galaxia i have encountered a problem in split activity when i am using split activity it is not working, like when one of the user complete his instance then the user of that instance will not be able to see that instance...
> how do i solve that problem
> thanx
> Anshul

Do you REALLY REALLY need to stick to 1.8.6?
If yes, you're in for a big effort: backport all Galaxia bugfixes and improvements from 1.9.x. There are quite a few of these.
If no, upgrade to 1.9.2 and apply my patches. They're available at savefile.com/projects.php?pid=420840
