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Galaxia Workflow Engine

Re: Does the galaxia could save the processes states when system restarting?


> hello you guys, as a newbie i have two questions for the galaxia engine,
> first, the system maybe has the situation in which it must be restarted,
> at that time, could the galaxia engine save the current states of all the
> running processes, and set the processes to those saved states when the
> system has been restarted?

All process data are stored in the database. It shouldn't be a problem if you restart your system. I have done this at my workplace, and had no issues.

> second, i want to employ the ability to customize the work flow in our
> website system, which is not based on tiki but coded using php, is it
> easy to port galaxia engine? i have look into the source codes, there are
> many "$tikilib" styles coedes there.

I really don't know if it's easy or not, because I only used Galaxia in TikiWiki, but it sure is possible. Other projects have already ported Galaxia (Xaraya comes to mind).

> any help will be highly appreciated.

You're welcome. Regards,


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