Re: Upgrade 185 to 192
> Is there any use-able info on upgrading Tikiwiki 185 to 192!
> I've tried to upgrade from 185 to 186 using the Fantastico upgrade - but that doesn't work - runs through all the motion then tells me I need to upgrade from 185 ? (Upgrade from 185 complete - need to upgrade from 185?)
> Anyway, download the zip for 192 but there is no info about upgrading!
> I've search around the place and the best I can find - is "Same as 186" but can't find info re upgrading 186 !
> DO I just copy it over the old, (I only have FTP access) ?
> Will it destroy my old database. (The backup system on 185 actually states it probably won't work so I can't backup!)
> Do I need to destroy the old wiki and start over?
> Do I give up and stick with 185 😉
No you have to upgrade at least to 1.8.6 because of security reason, and if you doesn't do enything to individual php-files you can overwrite all of them, and upgrade is done, if folders permissions are okay follow install instractions from the left menu, remember sql upgrade as well if nessessery