Import PHPwiki Dump Link on Admin Dir
Hello All,
It's been an interesting day - or two, playing with Fantastico, TW 185, 192 and 193. The idea was to move a TW 185 from an older server running PHP 4.3 to a newly upgraded server running PHP 5 and Fantastico, which installed TW 192; in a flash, man its a quick install, and it removes TW just as fast when you screw it up. I have installed and removed the 192 several times, and each time successfully imported the mySql dump, but it, the 192, looks nothing like the 185. No dice with the USERS which I badly want to port over so a large group of people do not have to reregister, and the Wiki page dumps need to be restored, but also a no go. I get an IMPORT PHPWIKI DUMP on the Admin Directory, however, it resolves to a tiki-import_phpwiki.php file in the root directory that does not exist. In fact, the only reference to the file on a search of this website is a very old - TW 1.3 - in 2004 occurrence of the same problem - the file is missing. Any one know anything about this file?
And while I have your ear. How can I port USERS and their passwords from one version of TW to another on separate servers?