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banner on the top of the site ?


i have trouble installing a banner on the top of the site

i assume it would be easiest to do it by editing tiki-top_bar.tpl as suggested here?
but i would rather do it through "banners" via /tiki-admin.php?page=siteid instead of fiddling on the server...
so i tried activating "Site Ads and Banners" in siteId but the banner zone i defined appeared BELOW my site-logo, instead of right from it. moving the whole page further down (not good)
(i use damian with php-horizontal navigation - maybe thats responsible?)

on the demo-tiki HERE the top banner looks pretty good: (though there seems to be the site-logo missing...)

i checked the settings, but there was none of the features active, so i assume its through tiki-top_bar.tpl, right?

any ideas how to easily get the banner up there?

ps. in /tiki-admin.php?page=features in "General Layout options" i have the "top bar" activated and NO layout per section.

United States

> i have trouble installing a banner on the top of the site


> any ideas how to easily get the banner up there?

It appears that, by default, the Site Identity features are evaluated in this order:

  1. Logo
  2. Banner

But you want:

  1. Banner
  2. Logo

There are two ways you could customize this:

You can hard-code your banner zone into tiki-site_header — forcing it to display first.

  1. Turn on the Banner feature.
  2. Create a new zone (such as TopZone)
  3. Edit the tiki-site_header file. Add this code at the start of the file:
    Copy to clipboard
    <div align="center">{banner zone='TopZone'}</div>
  4. Turn on the Site Identity feature
    • Turn on Logo
    • Turn off Banners
  5. On the Banner Config page, create a banner and assign it to the zone you created earlier (such as TopZone).


You can use the Custom Code area in the Site Identity, and add your banner zone and logo.

  1. Turn on the Banner feature.
  2. Create a new zone (such as TopZone)
  3. Turn on the Site Identity feature.
    • Turn on Custom Code
    • Turn off Logo
    • Turn off Banners
  4. In the Custom Code area, add this code:
    Copy to clipboard
    <div align="center">{banner zone='TopZone'}</div> <div align="left"><img src="THE URL OF YOUR SITE'S LOGO" /></div>
  5. On the Banner Config page, create a banner and assign it to the zone you created earlier (such as TopZone).

