banner on the top of the site ?
i have trouble installing a banner on the top of the site
i assume it would be easiest to do it by editing tiki-top_bar.tpl as suggested here?
but i would rather do it through "banners" via /tiki-admin.php?page=siteid instead of fiddling on the server...
so i tried activating "Site Ads and Banners" in siteId but the banner zone i defined appeared BELOW my site-logo, instead of right from it. moving the whole page further down (not good)
(i use damian with php-horizontal navigation - maybe thats responsible?)
on the demo-tiki HERE the top banner looks pretty good: (though there seems to be the site-logo missing...)
i checked the settings, but there was none of the features active, so i assume its through tiki-top_bar.tpl, right?
any ideas how to easily get the banner up there?
ps. in /tiki-admin.php?page=features in "General Layout options" i have the "top bar" activated and NO layout per section.