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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Galaxia Workflow Engine

Re: Re: Re: "Admin Processes" link throws error

United States

> Under Admin Home -> General change the "PHP error reporting level for non-admin:" to report all except Notics. Notices don't hurt the execution of the code, just shows signs of bad coding behavior. Hope this helps.

This is a bandaid fix at best. At this level of coding there shouldn't be bad coding practices of this sort.

Upon further examination, it looks like at some point someone inserted some code or removed some code because the formatting appears to be off in function list_processes. It appears that the default value may be intended to be a blank string, so I added

Copy to clipboard
$mid = '';

just after the lines:

Copy to clipboard
$bindvars = array(); } $mid = '';

That seems to have fixed that particular problem.

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