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Score System not working?

posts: 10
Okay, so there's a score system which you configure and everyone knows aout. It gives a user points for edits and such. Only one problem: when I tested it out with a new user, it didn't work. So what's the problem here? Am I doing something wrong?
posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

> Okay, so there's a score system which you configure and everyone knows aout. It gives a user points for edits and such. Only one problem: when I tested it out with a new user, it didn't work. So what's the problem here? Am I doing something wrong?

Hi NorthStar:

Could you be more explicit explaining the steps you did?

It works for me (and many people), for the features where it is implemented.
Did you read the documentation about it? (Score and related pages)

posts: 10

1. Went to "Features" to activate it.

2. Went under "score" to change he scoring values around a bit.

3. Tested it out with an admin account. Failed.

4. Tested the score with a user named "test" because I thought the score doesn't work with the admin account. Still failed.

5. Changed the "expiration" column around a bit because I thought that was the problem. Nope. Failure.🙁

TikiWiki Version 1.9.4-Sirius-

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

Then it must be that it didn't work on 1.9.4.

Try using recent code (with 1.9.7, at least, it has ben working fine for a year - since it was released)
Morever, you are encouraged to use latest stable release, to take profit of many bug fixes and improvements...