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Architecture / Installation

unlink() & Smarty errors

posts: 78 India


I am trying to install tiki at http://sridhar.f2o.org/tiki/. I followed the instructions at this page. (which, by the way I wrote after installing at another webhost). phpinfo of the server I'm trying to install at.

When I go to http://sridhar.f2o.org/tiki/tiki-index.php, I see the following:

Warning: unlink(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp/FEtT1y) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/:/home/php/) in /home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/tiki-setup.php on line 109

Warning: Smarty error: problem writing 'templates_c//en/%%-18/%%-1897939471/error.tpl.php.' in /home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 999

Warning: fetch(templates_c//en/%%-18/%%-1897939471/error.tpl.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1112

Warning: fetch(): Failed opening 'templates_c//en/%%-18/%%-1897939471/error.tpl.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/lib:/home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/lib/pear:.:/home/php:lib/pear') in /home/sites/sridhar/www/public_html/tiki/Smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1112

I spoke w/ the admin of f2o.org and here's what he said:

Regarding the 1st warning msg:
[1:27pm] well for some reason, its' trying to open a file outside where it should be
[1:28pm] it should be using PHP's default tmp dir
[1:30pm] it's trying to use /tmp which is wrong
[1:30pm] it should be using /home/php/tmp
[1:30pm] just looks like some config issues, nothgin major

Regarding other warning msgs:
[1:28pm] and i'm not sure that that is..

Any ideas?


posts: 78 India
jahlewis pointed me to InstallTikiUnderSafeMode page as per the instructions at the bottom of that page, I set $use_sub_dirs to false and got rid of the the warning msgs except the first one.

posts: 78 India

I got rid of the first warning message by simply commenting out the line 109 of tiki-setup.php that reads "unlink( $tempfile );"

The site (seems to) look and work just fine...will there by any performance issues or otherwise because of this?

posts: 2 Australia
Tell the admin to add the opne_base directry directive for you site, just check the apache documentation.😕