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Compulsory category for a user group

posts: 16

Hello all, my first post here and I've struggled through getting a couple of tiki's set up to do just what I'm looking for and generally been really impressd. Just one thing I've not been able to figure so I'm hoping someone can help.

Here is the setup, I'm running tiki2.2 - it was current when I started this project and I can't switch to 3 until I can switch all my apps to php5 at once or I'm asking for some major headaches and I wasn't sure how long I'd be waiting for 3 (not long as it turned out). What I want is a site where anyone in the community (the group "registered users") can add and modify pages. Easy so far. I also want to have some "official" pages. The wiki is for keeping information about a fictional universe for a roleplaying game (suzerain.info) and I really want for people visiting the site to easily be able to tell the difference between content that is fan made and content that is "canon" so to speak, basically it has the approval of or was created by one of the creators of the game/universe/setting.

At present I am using categories and page staging to do this with categories of:

community content
approved content

Which is okay but not ideal. Because the page staging requires the pages to have prefix on the page name it makes linking to the pages tricky. An example:

User A create a page "bob".
The page bob is categorised by default to community content and gains the prefix of "community_content_"

So to link to that page a user would need to put a link to:

I then come along and approve the page because I'm a creator and I quite like it. The page name changes to:
The staging page is deleted and any links to "community_content_bob" are now broken.

Ideally all I really want is to make sure that content from registered users is always part of the "community content" category and creators who like it can put the page into the approved category. If there is a way I can do that I'll be a happy boy, but right now the page staging approach is providing an okay compromise.

I experimented with the default category but that only works for uncategorised objects and I quite want my users to be able to assign informational categories in addition to the content type category so I can't use that and guarantee the users will also select community content.

So can anyone help me out with what I need to change where or other alternatives that will end up with much the same effect?

Cheerio for now,


posts: 496

Hi Alan!

Not sure about 2.2 staging&approval feature options but in 3.0 you have the option to disable deletion of the staging copy of the page, so you would still have the community version of bob's page and the links could still work.
The option is under Admin > Admin home > Wiki and the option that you would need to disable is called "Delete staging pages at approval." (in 3.0 at least)

Hope it helps,

posts: 16
Yeah that exists and is an option, thanks for the suggestion but it still isn't the ideal I'm really hoping for of pages appearing under one name and only ever being in one of two categories: community content or approved with registered users not getting any say over which of those two applies. I wouldn't mind hacking the code to just do a simple check of if default user level = registered and categories doesn't include community content, add that category to those selected. Possible with a remove approved if that is one of the picked catgories. But I don't understand the wiki code well enough to hunt down where to make that change....

posts: 496

What you can do is to create a category for approved pages and restrict permissions for registered people by only allowing them to view the page.
So by default they create a community page, you take a look and like it, so you put it into this category,so from this moment only you can edit.
Than you can maybe create a group between normal registered users and the admins (lets call them editors). The users in the editor goups could still edit the approved pages but can not recategorize them. To achive this just apply the appropriate permission setting for the group for that category (assign "tiki_p_edit_categorized" for the "editor" group at the maintenance of the "approved" category)

You can also lock the page if you dont want it to be edited by anyone (dont give this permission for the editor group)

Hope it helps,