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Architecture / Installation

tikiwiki 1.7.5 no article or CMS

posts: 1


I am new to tikiwiki and have just done my first install, however I am having a small problem that I hope is a simple mistake on my part, that you can help me with.

I have enabled Articles in the admin features menu, and that has appeared as a menu when I am logged in as an admin or browsing anonymously, but the topics menu has not appeared in the admin, nor does there seem any way to access a CMS menu, or add a topic or and article in any way.

Is there something I have missed? Is there a feature I need to enable to get this menu?

Thanks in advance,

Tom H

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Sounds like you need to click the :: next to menu options 😉

You might also want to peek at TikiMovies
