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Features / Usability

Re: using permission

posts: 175 Canada

Hi, I find the perms thing a bit tricky. It is very powerfull.
Here is a quick run down on seting up what you want.

In the admin drop down menu go to "groups"
This bring you to the "Admin groups page"
Scroll down to the "List of existing groups"
There are two preset groups but you must give them the perms.
In the group "Anonymous" click on the "assign_perms" link
This brings you to
Assign permissions to group: Anonymous page
Here you may assign permissions using the drop down box.
assign, all permissions in level, basic, and go update.
This should then give you a list of permissions under group information at the top of page.
You should go through the list and click the X beside things you do not want people to have use of. For example the chat.
You can use the section at the bottom of the assign permissions to a group page to fine tune your settings. One thing you may wish to add is perms for viewing the catogories. This for some reason is not a basic (Anonymous) perm. I generally add this as the Categories feature is very handy for Anonymous users.

Did that make sence?

Check out the PermissionAdmin page for more info!


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