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Architecture / Installation

Re: Rendering/CSS on Mozilla and Konqueror is screwed up for 1.8

posts: 175 Canada

I am posting this as I see your site is still not working and I would like to encourage others to ponder this further!

I did go to your site just after you posted your question. I was amazed at the results that I saw. I tried it with several browsers. Mozilla did not work but Opera and explorer did as you say. And yes , it is a mess.

I tried to recreate your problem on some of my test sites. Changed the styles, tried different TW vers. and a bunch of other stuff. I could not get the efffect you have.

Did you try different styles as Damian suggested?

So my questions to any one of you that may know about these things!

I think it is deeper then the style. Is there any chance that some file or other has been corupted? It appears that the css is not being correctly read, what would make that happen? Is there any chance that the "E-smith" server has anything to do with it?

Anyway let us know your progress. You have put a lot of work into the site to have it look this way is not good!

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