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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Several questions

posts: 96 Romania

I'm working on a website on my local PC? Tiki is great, I've yet to find a CMS that has so many features all rolled into one. But right now I'm stuck. How do I add banners to tikiwiki? Banners are enabled, I've uploaded the picture, I've picked the right type of banner (I hope 😀), I defined a zone, but the banner won't display.
What else do I need to do? Thanks in advance.

posts: 175 Canada

Hi, You are on the way but you have more to do!
"Once you have created your banners you want to display them, you can display a Tiki banner in any Tiki template including user modules system. You have to use the following syntax to include a banner in any template:"

 Plugin disabled
Plugin banner cannot be executed.

So in other words if you want your banner in the top bar, edit the tiki-top_bar.tpl and put your link (as above) in it.

I believe that you can also put this link into a wiki page to show your banner in only certain pages.

Check out this page, BannerAdmin


posts: 96 Romania

Thanks for being so prompt to answer. Just noticed that my other questions didn't get posted (since I posted them later), so here they are...

1) How to display the full titles on the article listing page? Right now they are truncated.

2) Is there any way to add the print to PDF/save to notepad options to the articles? Right now they're only available on the wiki-pages.

I think I found the code for the pdf generation, but where should it go?

{if $feature_wiki_pdf eq 'y'}

3) What in the name of Tiki is Sea Surfing? 😀

4) How to stop words from becomig wiki terms? I noticed words with caps inside like (RegEdit) become wiki links, which is bad when you have words like VLink for instance. Some words even become links for no apparent reason.

posts: 1001 Canada

Hi trickster,
for 1, in tiki-list_articles.tpl, change that

Copy to clipboard
{$listpages[changes].title|truncate:20:"...":true} to {$listpages[changes].title}

2. Not with default Tiki. Seems hard since you don't seem to know PHP.

3. Check wikipage "Archive(SeaSurfing)"

4. This way : ))ExampleThatWouldBeLinkedWithoutParenthesis((

If you appreciate quick answers, try IRC #tikiwiki, it's the best you'll get 😉

posts: 175 Canada


1. edit your tiki-list_articles.tpl file. In there you will find a place that says


You can change the 20 to what ever you want, this is the no. of places allowed.

2. Can not answer this one but I would think it would be tricky. I would love to know though!

3. Sea Surfing is detected when you have more then one window open making TW think that is an attack on your site. Some vers. allow you to disable this feature. check this out Tikiwiki and Sea Surfing

4. Put ))TikiWiki(( the double brackets on the word it prevents this.


posts: 96 Romania

Okay so if enclose the term in brackets it won't get turned into a Wiki link. But when the users will post into a forum, the unavoidable will happen. For instance the following text caused MyCompany to be turned into a wikilink. Users can't be expected to know or remember to use double brackets for MyCompany when posting a new subject

"I've a DC named MyCompany and planning to setup 2nd 2003 server to host Exchange 2000.
Is it possible to set up the 2nd server as a Backup DC yet use MyCompany.com for external email?
Or should I set up the 2nd server as a separate domain with the .com name?
Thanks in advance,

The forum preview shows it happens on this forum too. Maybe providing at least a way to control this feature (if not remove it) is a thing to consider for 1.9?

posts: 175 Canada

You can off wikiwords in the wiki admin panel.
This turns them of in the wiki but I have not tested it in the other areas. I would suspect that this is a global setting!

With this off you will not get the link unless you use the double brackets.


posts: 96 Romania

4) I found the solution for the unwanted wikilinks. At first I tried disabling the wiki, but doing that prevents creating a glossary of terms, for instance. But then on the General preferences page I found the right option. It's called Autolinks - it needs to be turned off and this looks like it works, - no more wiki links.

5) It also seems that the paging code for articles is broken.