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Features / Usability

Re: a way (plugin?) to convert non latin characters in latin, in url of wiki page?

posts: 98 Greece

This is a pic of the db showing the problem.

  • Pages with Greek titles are converted to a huge line of letters like %X%X etc. These letters easily exceed the 255 limit of varchar for pageSlug -hence the problem of duplicate pages (when first few words in two pages are the same).
  • Pages with English titles (page id 66) have normally very short pageSlug, same as title
  • And you can also see (page id 63&70) my solution, temporarily, which is to change pageSlug in english manually, using the phpmyadmin. But I can't seriously do that each time someone creates a new page in my wiki (plus I don't know how the db will react to this after next upgrade plus I prefer the page to automatically take english pageSlug)

So still been out there for a hint or solution...

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