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Re: Re : Integrated mailing list feature

posts: 17

Well, I managed to put together a moderated email editor last night 😊 (Thanks to the tikiwiki devs for the tiki-edit_template page - I just made use of that and modified it a bit)

> As you may have noticed on FuturePartners, phpList was listed as the
> future app to interact with Tiki. However I don't think it's definitive and it
> just needs some discussion. How does Sympa stand in front of other
> mailing list apps? Tell us a bit.

Sympa is best used as a discussion list while phpList is an announcement list. Sympa is much closer to what you find that YahooGroups' offers.

I had a good look around at various options trying to find a list manager. The only other one that came close was Mailman. The problem with Mailman though is that it doesn't use a database, while Sympa does. I think Sympa may offer a bit more in terms of customisation.

> You'll want to at least come get a quick first discussion on IRC and then
> send a mail to tikiwiki-devel.

Will do this evening when I get home from work.

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