Problem with wiki pages in 1.8
Hi there,
I'm in the process of moving my site from 1.7.4 to the 1.8 version of tiki and everything seams to go smothly except for the Foruns:
Notice: Undefined index: forum_last_n in /htdocs/tikiwiki-1.8.2/tiki-view_forum.php on line 721
and for the wiki pages:
Warning: mysql error: Unknown column 'page_ref_id' in 'field list' in query:
select `page_ref_id` from `tiki_structures` ts, `tiki_pages` tp where ts.`page_id`=tp.`page_id` and (`parent_id` is null or `parent_id`=0) and `pageName`=?
in /tikiwiki-1.8.2/lib/tikidblib.php on line 133
Array ( 0 => HomePage )
$result is false
$result is empty
I had used both comments_fix_1.7to1.8.sql and tiki_1.7to1.8.sql files to update the database,
Any hint on this?
thanks a lot in advance
Luís Pedro