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[SOLVED] Categories managed by specific users

posts: 12

Hi, I'm new to tiki, I'm testing the features it has and the potential it can have. At the moment I am taking a good impression with the results I am getting.

What I do not get, is the way that certain users can manage certain categories, I will give an example:
I have the users, managerfootball, managerbasket, managertennis. user1football, user1basket, user1tennis
I have the categories Football, Basket, Tennis.
I would like (if you can), the user managerfootball can only administer the football category, the user managerbasket can only manage the basketball category, the user managertennis can only manage the tennis category, the user userfootball can only edit and see entries in the football category .. and the same with the others.

Can someone help me with this?

Thanks in advanced

posts: 2432 Czech Republic

Hi Bernat,
welcome to Tiki!

In Tiki permissions are assigned to groups so you need to create the Groups for these users and assign it to them. Then each category can have the permissions assigned for any of those groups.

See https://doc.tiki.org/Groups-Management#Creating_Groups and https://doc.tiki.org/Groups-Management#Permissions_for_individual_users
If you need for each user his/her own group I recommend to enable the feature called "Create a new group for each user" on tiki-admin.php?page=login under the "Other login settings" on the first tab.


posts: 12

Thank you luciash
I have been involved with some personal matters and I have not been able to look at the forum.
Now I'm working, but when I get home, I'll try what you tell me


posts: 12

Hello again,

I've been looking at what you told me, and I've already managed to do it.

At first I was confused because when I selected the groups from the "Select groups" tab I thought I was assigning them globally, but I see that it is only an option for the visualization when assigning the permissions for the object.

Thank you very much for the help, I will keep looking and trying things since I am liking Tiki!

A greeting!

posts: 12

Hello again

It has managed to restrict these permissions, and each user sees the wikis in each category. This I have achieved by assigning permissions for each object (wiki).

The problem that I have, is that, right now, for each new wiki that is created, I would have to manually assign the permissions so that they can only enter / edit / delete those of a certain category.

Would there be any way for this permission assignment to be done automatically when I create a wiki it in a certain category?

a greeting

posts: 12

I have already found the solution.

What I was looking for was permissions per category, what I did not know was that I could activate them by navigating to the categories, and clicking on the category icon (wrench) and then a drop-down menu opens and I can set the permissions.

Thanks anyway, greetings