Re: Re: Tiki Functionality in Open Source environments
Hey NAVman!
I am deploying TW as part of an intranet. We do, however, have a multitude of systems in use, i.e. Windows with M$IE, Mac OS-X (Safari) and *some* linux with Mozilla. Unfortunately, most themes work in some browser, but none work in all. As part of my deployment, I am putting a page together wich discusses CrossBrowserCompatability. I wouldn't mind seeing such a page on this site. Actually, the matrix is three dimensional (theme)(browser)(feature), as it also appears that the 'breakage' of a certain theme is feature specific.
Now, how to fix it, I don't know. Maybe some themes, really cool, will be restricted to, e.g. mozilla. And that maybe fine. If there's a warning or guidelines with the themes it would definitely improve the usability. What would not be acceptable is that features break a (theme)(browser) combination. So, the release testing of TikiWiki should
- (a) indicate which browser(s) a theme has been tested (certified?) with
- (b) ensure that a theme x browser combination works on all features
Just my two cents.
Dr Magu