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Architecture / Installation


posts: 8

I give up. I tried installing - tried asking for help - can't get tikiwiki up and running.

Can't even get to a config. page - so sorry to say I went back to Xoops 2. Installed like a dream, and it was up and running in minutes.

Just have some configuration to do and the site will be live.

I'll drop back now and then to see if the installation process has been smoothed out, but until then I'm afraid that despite the huge benefits of the tikiwiki, I;m not going to be able to use it.

Anyway, best of luck guys 😊

posts: 71 United States
Or you could post your problem again and see if someone can help you this time around. 😊
posts: 2881 United Kingdom
Or buy yourself a TikiWiki support contract 😊

posts: 224 Ireland

This may be an obvious comment but: have you tried installing TikiWiki v1.8.x which is still the current stable release? I don't think it's fair to judge software on experiences with beta releases only.

