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Architecture / Installation

email configuration

posts: 7 United States

My Tiki installation does not seem to be able to send emails for update notifications, password reminders, etc. How is email configured in Tiki? Maybe I'm missing something but all I've seen is the webmail configuration stuff which is not (I think) what I am trying to accomplish. Does Tiki use a built in php's mail features? Is this an Apache or php config problem? I can send email using another web app same server (or at least I was able to at one point, I'll have to double check).


Darwin Kernel Version 7.4.0
PHP Version 4.3.2
Tikiwiki 1.9 rc3

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Tiki justs use the normal PHP mail command. So its down to your PHP.ini and server configuration. Some web servers do not have sendmail functionality and therefore tiki wont work there.
