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Features / Usability

application_menu -> can't add items to it

posts: 60

I tried everything to add a new folder and links in it. I see it in the admin area, but not as registered user or anonymous.
I tried setting the group: Registered i also tried Anonymous -> no effect.

How do I add folder and links in it, in the application_menu?


posts: 154 United Kingdom

Looks like you are trying to add the module application_menu as opposed to creating a module with the menuj id in it.
Use admin->menus to edit , then go to modules inset {menu id=?} into dat section of 'Create new user module ' with suitable name and title press create button it will appear at top of page ,assign and then choose it as module with whatever permissions you like.

posts: 60


I know how to create new menu. But I don't want that.
What I want is to add folders to the application_menu, and links in these folders.
Any idea how do I do that?

posts: 154 United Kingdom
You'll have to edit the tpl in admin->edit templates click on templates/modules/mod-application_menu.tpl and add what you like more complicated and means you will need to modify on every upgrade.