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Architecture / Installation

Tiki 26.0 Alpha

posts: 98
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist wrote:

You are welcome Robuste.

Memory Exhausted is what it is.
I believe you need more disk space allocated to that VPS in you Cpanel (or your hosting) company.

Of course a little hard to diagnose from abroad 😉 but try to allocate at least 2GB to your disk space.

Thanks for your new feedback Bernard.

ummm yes even from abroad you would think so 😊 (Server is in .au but I am in .nz)

However I did try increasing memory available up to 2GB but this did not solve the problem.
However by accident I did subsequently find that if I refreshed the page when that fatal error occurred I was able to carry on with the installation with no further problems.
Also when looking at the code at the lines listed in the two php files, to my untrained eye, there did not seem to be anything directly referencing memory.

Actually this problem is happening for me on a clean install as well.


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