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Custom Share Module 0.1dev



When installing Tiki 4.0 (or even 5.x or 6.x) with PHP 5.1.0 (or higher), you may encounter a System error: could not find driver message. This indicates that PDO driver for your database has not been enabled on your server.

To enable the driver:

  • For Unix:
    Refer to http://us.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php for information on installing PDO support.
    As an alternative, add the following statement to the end of your ../db/local.php file, before the ?>:

  • For Windows:
    Add the following statement to your php.ini file:

Known Issues

  • Tiki 4.0 doesn't like spaces in URL so some.site.tld/My Project/ session/cookie doesn't match and users cannot login anymore (this worked fine in 3.x)
  • After upgrading to 4.0 from 3.x, new user registrations may not be properly validated. This was fixed with SVN commit #23514 (or pick the daily 4.x built on de.tiki.org) . If you still experience problem (Disabled account) you can check the table users_users and run the sql query
Copy to clipboard
update users_users set waiting=NULL where waiting is not NULL and valid is NULL; If you want to do only on my account foobar update users_users set waiting=NULL where waiting is not NULL and valid is NULL and login='foobar'


See Tiki4.

Page last modified on Wednesday 10 November 2010 01:01:54 GMT-0000

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