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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Well, its not about any special host or operating system, just about the pure performance benchmarks measured for distinct setups of software on some kind of hardware.


I was testing with Siege the server on localhost with permissions.

Copy to clipboard
siege -c 10 -t 2m http://tiki19/tiki-index.php
Results with Lighthttpd and PHP5-FCGI
<br /> 700Mhz, 384MB RAM, udma2 ides ext3 fs<br /> Transactions: 103 hits<br /> Availability: 100.00 %<br /> Elapsed time: 120.26 secs<br /> Data transferred: 2164266 bytes<br /> Response time: 11.02 secs<br /> Transaction rate: 0.86 trans/sec<br /> Throughput: 17996.56 bytes/sec<br /> Concurrency: 9.43<br /> Successful transactions: 103<br /> Failed transactions: 0<br /> Longest transaction: 14.61<br /> Shortest transaction: 1.91<br />

Results with Apache2 PHP5
<br /> 700Mhz, 384MB RAM, udma2 ides ext3 fs<br /> Transactions: 69 hits<br /> Availability: 100.00 %<br /> Elapsed time: 119.96 secs<br /> Data transferred: 1449585 bytes<br /> Response time: 15.70 secs<br /> Transaction rate: 0.58 trans/sec<br /> Throughput: 12083.90 bytes/sec<br /> Concurrency: 9.03<br /> Successful transactions: 69<br /> Failed transactions: 0<br /> Longest transaction: 31.38<br /> Shortest transaction: 4.97<br />

No php caching was used, cpu load was much lower with phpfcgi, running a whole X desktop with Firefox and Evolution and the like in the background...

For some more benchmarks on Lighthttpd go here.

Page last modified on Monday 24 January 2005 19:20:24 GMT-0000

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