The first event, April 11-14 in Montréal is planned to cover Tiki security, improvements to CartoGraf and Tiki Maps, and the new TimeMap feature (a timeline for maps). Also, we'll be working on and our integration with the Kaltura video management application.
Then, the TikiFest travels to Ottawa for April 16-22. Planned topics range from UX and themes, to continued integration with BigBlueButton, to a preview of the upcoming Tiki 11. There will also be several Tiki workshops on customization, configuration, and consulting.
Many of the most active contributors to Tiki will be present, coming from 9 countries: Japan, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, France, Austria, Germany, Israel, USA and of course, many from Canada.
For detailed information, visit For complete information on all TikiFests and community events, see the Tiki calendar: