TikiFest London Wrapup
Rick -- Implementation discussions of a Tiki Project Management feature
- Planning the Tiki Tracker Revamp
- Exploration of the removal of deprecated features (such as PHPLayersMenu, Image Galleries, and Xajax)
For complete details of TikiFest London, see http://tiki.org/TikiFestLondon6.
Several other TikiFests are planned in the upcoming months, including the Summer 2011 Tiki Tour. See the Tiki Community calendar at http://info.tiki.org/Calendar and the main TikiFest page at http://tiki.org/tikifest for details.
Elsewhere in Europe, Tiki Community members are proud to announce the formation of the German Language Tiki Users Group. One of the first goals of this group will be to use Tiki's interactive translation feature to continue to improve the German version of Tiki. For details on the Tiki internationalization project, see http://i18n.tiki.org. For more information on (or to join) the German Language User Group, see http://tiki.org/GLUG.