email notification and file download Posted by uiprncss 25 Jan 2005 15:53 GMT-0000 posts: 5 I would like to set up my TW so that when a user downloads a file from a File Gallery an email will be sent to the administrator. Is this functionality in place or should I write my own? TIA, Toni
Posted by Rick Sapir / Tiki for Smarties 26 Jan 2005 13:04 GMT-0000 posts: 3665 You could try adding a simple @mail(...) statement to the tiki-list_file_gallery.php file. That should work. HTH, -Rick
Posted by uiprncss 02 Feb 2005 20:40 GMT-0000 posts: 5 I spoke with my sys admin and he will not let me login to the server hosting TW and is very opposed to changing any code because he doesn't want it to interfere with future updates. So, that means I must get TW to somehow send emails when users download files without modifying any of the TW source code. I have created some Wikis and placed watches so users get emailed when the wikis change. Can I somehow add more actions to be watched? Does anyone have any ideas for me? Toni