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Small Problem with Print Version of Wiki Pages

posts: 32 United States

At the bottom of the print version of a Wiki page there's supposed to be a note that contains the full URL of the original page. This is a handy way to mark the source of the page that has been printed.

😢 But it's not working quite right for me. And I just noticed that it's also not working right here on tw.o--although in a different way.

On my site:

The URL is not prepended to the page listing. Thus, I get an incomplete URL such as:

The original document is available at tiki-index.php?page=HomePage

Perhaps I've just missed something in the configuration?

On tw.o:

The URL is missing an equal sign. If you were to use it, you would not go to the correct page. Instead, you'd just be taken to the default Wiki page. E.g.:

The original document is available at http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?pageImageGalleryDoc

The URL should be:


This may be a template issue. The line in tiki-show_page.tpl that generates this comment is:

The original document is available at{/tr} {$urlprefix}tiki-index.php?page{$page|escape:"url"}

posts: 32 United States

Oh, and now that I think of it, what other variables could be added to this line?

It'd be handy for it to say, for example, when that page was printed.



posts: 224 Ireland

The missing '=' is probably a typo/bug in the template. Do you have a HTTP servername defined in your Admin panel?



posts: 32 United States

> patvdv:
> The missing '=' is probably a typo/bug in the template. Do you have a HTTP servername defined in your Admin panel?

Yeah, I've got it down as


Should it be



My Tiki lives in a subdirectory, so, to be more accurate, the URL is


Should I use that?


posts: 32 United States

> jbutler:
> My Tiki lives in a subdirectory, so, to be more accurate, the URL is
> http://www.tcf.ua.edu/ss

Just experimented with this and it had no effect, durn it.

posts: 224 Ireland

No you should leave out the HTTP:// bit so your first choice should be OK.

I have a similar problem on my own Tiki 1.7. The '=' sign is also missing. My HTTP server name is prepended to it but without the HTTP server port which I need because I run my Tiki on a non-standard port (not 80).

So looks like a couple of bugs in this area...

