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Features / Usability

words_en.sql fails to install on Cpanel phpMyAdmin

posts: 32 United States

Hello All
Anybody get the spellcheck installed using phpMyAdmin?
There's a great movie help file here ,scroll to the mysql section. It looks like an easy procedure, but it just times out on my server every time I try. By the way, the above linked ISP does not allow wikis, but they have terrific movie help files.

Another alternative that comes to mind is for me to write a php script and to try inserting the data file by executing the script using my browser. Why beat a dead horse? If the spell check wont install on tw 1.8.5 stable, then I'll give up the ghost. I'll wait awhile in case some one knows a better way.

P.S. No spell check on this forum. Perhaps that's a hint?


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

The spell check .sql file is massive. Basically a default PHP installation sets the script timeout to around 30 seconds. You need to actually modify the php.ini file which on shared hosting you cant do. to increase this. This is the case for both phpMyAdmin (as its written in PHP) and writeing a PHP script to do the job.

I would suggest a TikiFriendlyHost, however I have no idea that they have increased the timeout script value. I know it inserts and runs fine on my hosting http://tikihost.net maybe others can provide additional information on other hosts.

This is not a TikiWiki problem, its down to the hosting providing.


posts: 32 United States

Thanks Damian for the reply.
I don't think it's host provider related. I'm on a very well maintained server with no complaints for almost 2 yearz. The default timeout here is 300 seconds, not 30 - thats a full 5 minutes. My connection is 1.5 meg DSL- which is about T1 speed so the entire 7 meg spellcheck file takes only several seconds for the upload, and spends the rest of the time waiting for a completion responce, which never comes.

I can have the timeout increased, if that's what you think the problem is. But increased to what? How much time do you think it will take? 10 minutes? 15? 20? half hour? hour? Let me know. I'll double your suggested time, and have a new timeout set, then try again.
