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displaying a pre-selection of articles WITHIN an other page?

posts: 40 Austria

i am trying to show - for example - just a selection the 5 most recent articles WITHIN the startingpage.
and would love to be able to further select by topic/category. (or even more pre-selection)
but i could not find any links/hints towards the syntax i need to use.

the homepage of THIS very TikiWiki, seems to use exactly what i need:
e.g. it seems to list the most recentarticles, but restricts them to 10 (max=>10)

i would need more information, more samples..., maybe even some documentation...
where can i learn, look up, - or at least, examine other successful uses of that syntax?

i only found this page, but this only helps for selecting/filtering articles for own arcticle-pages (not including them in other pages)

i would be very thankful for any advice


ps. admin of tikiwiki 1.8.5. - might be a while before i get my sysadmin to update to 1.9...,
ps. i am responsible for content, so i don´t "speak" php (yet) - but i am willing to learn... - or any other "language" that i would need to configure

posts: 4664 Japan

What you need to do is use the ARTICLES plugin in a wiki page to display articles. In this site's source code, you can see

Copy to clipboard
. This is how the articles are included. You can also limit the articles to a particular topic. See PluginArticles for the details. No speaking PHP required. 😉

-- Gary

posts: 40 Austria

thanks a lot!
works wonderfully.

still have to do a few things to get the tiki under control.
but i am starting to get there..
