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articleheadingtext jumps to the right!


for NO OBVIOUS reason the "articleheadingtext" jumps to the right
- but ONLY if i do not use long sentences.

i prepared to demo-articles ("testerl" and "testerl2") to illustrate what i mean:

i´ve been examining (and enjoying) the .css-file.
but i think its not to blame. (changings things there only made matters worse)

although i do not "speak" php actively, i think the text is "$parsed_heading" is the text of the articleheadingtext - and the rest is the syntax for the table and for the "use-own-image-yes-no"-images-part (on the left)

but there are no align right commands either...
do you have a clue what it could be?

i am still using the default - mostly unchanged - "tiki-read_article.tpl"-templates.
here´s the table:


<div class="articleheading"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr>{if $isfloat eq 'n'}<td valign="top">{else}<td valign="top">{/if} {if $useImage eq 'y'} {if $hasImage eq 'y'} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="Article image{/tr}" border="0" src="article_image.php?id={$articleId}" {if $image_x > 0}width="{$image_x}"{/if}{if $image_y > 0 }height="{$image_y}"{/if}/> {else} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="Topic image{/tr}" border="0" src="topic_image.php?id={$topicId}" /> {/if} {else} {section name=it loop=$topics} {if ($topicsit.topicId eq $topicId) and ($topicsit.image_size > 0)} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="{$topicName}" border="0" src="topic_image.php?id={$topicId}" /> {/if} {/section} {/if} {if $isfloat eq 'n'} </td><td valign="top"> {/if} <div class="articleheadingtext">{$parsed_heading}</div> </td></tr> </table> </div>


i think i found a solution.
if i mark "float text around image" the text nicely squeezes next to the image on the left.

sill no idea WHY the text decided to float to the right in the first place...
...so i am still open for suggestions... >;e)