articleheadingtext jumps to the right!
for NO OBVIOUS reason the "articleheadingtext" jumps to the right
- but ONLY if i do not use long sentences.
i prepared to demo-articles ("testerl" and "testerl2") to illustrate what i mean:
i´ve been examining (and enjoying) the .css-file.
but i think its not to blame. (changings things there only made matters worse)
although i do not "speak" php actively, i think the text is "$parsed_heading" is the text of the articleheadingtext - and the rest is the syntax for the table and for the "use-own-image-yes-no"-images-part (on the left)
but there are no align right commands either...
do you have a clue what it could be?
i am still using the default - mostly unchanged - "tiki-read_article.tpl"-templates.
here´s the table:
<div class="articleheading"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr>{if $isfloat eq 'n'}<td valign="top">{else}<td valign="top">{/if} {if $useImage eq 'y'} {if $hasImage eq 'y'} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="Article image{/tr}" border="0" src="article_image.php?id={$articleId}" {if $image_x > 0}width="{$image_x}"{/if}{if $image_y > 0 }height="{$image_y}"{/if}/> {else} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="Topic image{/tr}" border="0" src="topic_image.php?id={$topicId}" /> {/if} {else} {section name=it loop=$topics} {if ($topicsit.topicId eq $topicId) and ($topicsit.image_size > 0)} <img {if $isfloat eq 'y'}style="margin-right:4px;float:left;"{/if} alt="{$topicName}" border="0" src="topic_image.php?id={$topicId}" /> {/if} {/section} {/if} {if $isfloat eq 'n'} </td><td valign="top"> {/if} <div class="articleheadingtext">{$parsed_heading}</div> </td></tr> </table> </div>