

Editing in the neat style problem


Digging into an editing problem I found the following problem:
The 1.9.2 neat style has the following syntax in tiki-editpage.tpl in the pictures section (please consider ( as < and ) as >):
(tr)(td class="formcolor")Upload picture(/td)(td class="formcolor")
(input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000")
(input name="picfile1" type="file")
Instead of the full syntax that implements 1.9.2 behavior (instertion of picture syntax at the cursor position):
(tr class="formcolor")(td)Upload picture(/td)(td)
(input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000" /)
(input type="hidden" name="hasAlreadyInserted" value="" /)
(input type="hidden" name="prefix" value="/img/wiki_up/" /)
(input name="picfile1" type="file" onchange="javascript:insertImg('editwiki','picfile1','hasAlreadyInserted')"/)
So the neat style can't work well to upload pictures. And we had problems in editing the sandbox as well.