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arrange articles vertically in two columns on start page?


i am trying to arrange the “articles-teasers??? vertically in two columns on the startpage (embedded via {ARTICLES})

this means that i want text of the heading to appear BELOW the picture (it ususally appears RIGHT of the image)

i imagine this would be possible if i fiddle with some templates (and CSS)...

so – before i start destroying my layouts - i ask you, wise sages of tiki:

has this has been done (or tried) before in tiki?

are there any (ex)samples i could start with / examine?

(i checked thmemes.tiki found nothing – and also assume that this question rather belongs here, right?)

is there a way to have a choice between “normal??? display of the article-header AND the vertical alternative (maybe if i configure just one “type??? of article?)


from your expertise with the (...err... sometimes a little bit stubborn) middle column...
what would the best way to define two columns of equal width in the main column?
(without tearing the site apart)

a) normal table in tiki-syntax?
b) Split Plugin?
c) Fancy Table?
d) good old html tables?

thank you very much for any hints.



Personally, I use the Split plugin for two columns. You could certainly do something like

Message from Tiki.org about the Coronavirus Pandemic

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
At this difficult time with the coronavirus pandemic spread around the world and people everywhere doing their best to cope with it and recover, we want to express our solidarity with everyone responding to the problem, and we assure you that we will try to do our part by continuing to make Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware available as a free tool for online collaboration and data presentation, which may be especially useful in this time of social distancing.

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Many thanks to Shimon Silberschlag and Aviv Vinograzki (as main reporter) from Israel National Cyber Directorate | Active Cyber Defense Center, Sheela Sarva and Mayank from QUALYS for vulnerabilities report.

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The normal table and fancy table are not really what you want to use.

You would then have to edit the tiki-view_articles.tpl (will impact all articles, both in wiki pages via the ARTICLES plugin and the articles feature) to change the layout of the image wrt title.


Hi Gary.
I was trying the above code suggestion of yours to get a two column article listing for a homepage.

quoteyou wrote;
Personally, I use the Split plugin for two columns. You could certainly do something like;

Copy to clipboard
{SPLIT()} {ARTICLES(start=>44,max=>1)}{ARTICLES} --- {ARTICLES(start=>2,max=>1)}{ARTICLES} {SPLIT}

I just did a cut/paste of the above. Sure enough, I got two columns, but they both displayed the SAME articles. Like this:

Message from Tiki.org about the Coronavirus Pandemic

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
At this difficult time with the coronavirus pandemic spread around the world and people everywhere doing their best to cope with it and recover, we want to express our solidarity with everyone responding to the problem, and we assure you that we will try to do our part by continuing to make Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware available as a free tool for online collaboration and data presentation, which may be especially useful in this time of social distancing.

New Security Updates Released for Tiki 27.x LTS, 26.x and 24.x LTS and Upgrade is Strongly Recommended

Rodriguez Nyiringabo -

Security updates are now available for several Tiki versions: Tiki 27.x LTS (Long-Term Support), Tiki 26.x, and Tiki 24.x LTS. Users of any of these versions are strongly recommended to update their websites. Please get the latest versions files here: Tiki 27.1, Tiki 26.3, Tiki 24.7.

Note that Tiki 26.x entered the end of life period and will no longer receive security fixes, so any site using this version should be upgraded to Tiki 27.1.

Many thanks to Shimon Silberschlag and Aviv Vinograzki (as main reporter) from Israel National Cyber Directorate | Active Cyber Defense Center, Sheela Sarva and Mayank from QUALYS for vulnerabilities report.

If there is any question, please post it in the forums here or in the Tiki chat or on a Tiki mailing list. Support beyond what the Tiki community can provide through these channels is also available from EvoluData (https://evoludata.com/Tiki-Extended-Security-Maintenance), including support for any version, including outdated versions.

I didn't see the "start" parm documented anywhere, but I was guessing that it was sort of an "offset" or something.

I'd like to have two columns, but show the first 5 (or so) articles on the left of the wiki page, then continue with articles 6 thru (say) 10 on the right column of the split wiki page.

Am I making any sense? Can you or anyone assist with a hint?

(btw/ what is the purpose and syntax of the "start" parameter?)

Regards, -sd